133. Dr. Joel Wallskog, REACT19

7 months ago

Today I talk with Dr. Joel Wallskog from REACT-19. He talks about his covid vaccine injury and how REACT-19 is working to help those that have been vaccine injured as well.

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133. Dr. Joel Wallskog, REACT19

Dr. Joel Wallskog: [00:00:00] First, I realized I wasn't alone and for all the people that have been injured, one of the things is almost everybody that's been injured really feels abandoned. Abandoned by the healthcare system, abandoned by our politicians and our government and our federal regulatory agencies, but unfortunately many times abandoned by our friends, family, and employers.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But really I left there knowing that, you know, we had to do something bigger and that's where Brianne Dressen and I, who are the co chairs of RAC 19. Really started reacting keen as a, as a formal organization later in November of 2000 21. And we literally took those original 10 people and now we represent almost 40, 000 americans that are injured by the covid shots.

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Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you've noticed, I've been wearing this t shirt for [00:02:00] a few episodes now. I have them available on eBay. Check out the links below to get your size.

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question everything

Nurse Kelly: and to have the courage to stand for the truth.

Nurse Kelly: And now to your host, Dr. Sigoloff

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: okay, well, thank you for joining me again. And I first want to give a shout out to For all of my Patreon supporters, I've got Too Tough giving 30 a month. I've got an anonymous family donor giving 20. 20 a month. I have the Plandemic Rippermando level, giving 17. 76 a month.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr. Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, and me. We have Kevin Alanos [00:03:00] and Patton Bev giving 10 a month. There's the Refine Not Burned tier at 5 with Linda, Emmy, Joe, PJ, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ken, Rick, Mary, and Amanda. Addison Mulder is giving 3 a month and Frank is giving 1. 50.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then we have the Courageous Contagious tier at 1 a month with Jay, SpessNasty, Durrell, Susan, BB King, Caleb, and Sharon. I want to thank all my Patreon supporters very much for supporting me, for helping me provide this service to you. I also want to encourage everyone to check out MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours. And it is by far the best beef that I have personally ever tasted. My next guest, Dr. He has a very interesting story and, and, and we're going to be delicate with this because He's been injured and, and he, he's here to talk about that a little bit, um, mainly to, to tell people, yes, this is real and he's a physician [00:04:00] and, and how it's affected his life to a little bit, but to a bigger extent, what I really want him to talk about is the support that's available, how he's changing legislature, how he's helping move the ball significantly so that we can actually get people that have been harmed the help that they need and the support

Dr. Joel Wallskog: that they need.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Dr. Wolsock, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. So

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: tell us a bit about life before the COVID shot happened and, and then some of the symptoms that you had. And then when you discovered where, where you were in your mind, because you're a physician, you, you know, you, you obviously, you know, said, well, I need to do this to help friends and family.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then at what point, how you got to that spot where you realized

Dr. Joel Wallskog: this is what caused it?

Dr. Joel Wallskog: When I was injured, I was about 50 years old and I was really, what I would say is in the prime of my career. Uh, I'm an orthopedic [00:05:00] surgeon by background. I have a specialty in bone replacement and I stayed very busy and, uh, I really had what I would call as a mature practice where I would see probably Five to 6, 000 patients in the clinic each year and I did about a thousand operations a year and I was in a great place.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I have four healthy kids. I'm married to my college sweetheart, and I really was in, I would say, the prime of my life. I had no significant medical problems. I literally took the testosterone injection and watched my cholesterol a little bit beyond that. In the summer, I was very involved in water sports.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I did things like, uh, wakeboarding and still skiing and so forth like that. I was very, very busy. Loved my job and still love Obvious and my family and my wife. But then things changed. So 2020, as everyone can recall, was a bizarre time. And I remember we were on a family vacation down in Florida in March of that year.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And, you know, it was a surreal [00:06:00] time when, you know, they declared the public health emergency and everything got shut down for us. We were down in Florida. We thought, hey, this is great. We just get an extended vacation. Uh, and then, uh, eventually went back to work. Eventually, you know, I, I, back in December of 2020, I, I got my call.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I was part of that one aid group, which many healthcare providers were in. I got my call in the end of December and I did what I was supposed to do, which is I went in and got my shot, my one and only Moderna shot on December 30th of 2020. I got it over my lunch hour, went back to work. It was very unremarkable.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And about a week later, I started stumbling at work and then I fell. And, uh, it was at that point where I didn't really connect the dots with the shot, but I certainly knew something more ominous was going on. Because I was literally sitting in a patient exam room and I tried to stand up as I was talking to the patient and my legs didn't respond so I used my arms to push myself up off the [00:07:00] examining table and I fell back and at that time I knew something more serious was going on.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: To make a long story short, it took me about two weeks to put things together with the shot. But my diagnosis very quickly was transverse myelitis. So I have an injury to my spinal cord at about about the T8 to T9 level. And it was a couple of weeks later when I remembered having read about the AstraZeneca trials in the United Kingdom, where the AstraZeneca trials were delayed three times for, or was it, I'm sorry, two times for three cases of transverse myelitis.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And it's that time where I kind of started to put things together, where I was totally healthy until seven days after my shot. And then my life kind of. At least my professional life kind of came to a crash and fault. You know, I tried different medications, I tried idosteroids, I tried a medicine called IVIG or IV immune globulin.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Nothing helped. My [00:08:00] neurologist told me to take three months off of work. Uh, you know, and I'm certainly a workaholic, so I told him I agreed to take two weeks off work. Uh, and then I went back to work after two weeks and tried to work part days operating, but by the time I was Done after two part days of operating on Monday and Tuesday, I got home on Tuesday night and then couldn't get out of bed.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I was pretty much bedridden till Friday. And that's where I knew I was at a much, uh, much more difficult situation. And frankly, uh, after those two days back to work, I've never been back to work since. So for me, 2021 was a very troubling year where I certainly lost my career. You know, I trained for about 15 years after high school and And it certainly had a job which I loved and I loved going to work.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Uh, but folks I never defined my whole person as as my job and and again that probably saved me but It wasn't until november of 2021 where I got invited out to [00:09:00] Washington dc to speak at a senator ron johnson press conference and and there was about 10 of us injured people And then there was about 10 or so professionals that were, you know, experts in the area of vaccine injury.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And we all presented and for me, that was a very transformational moment. At which time, first, I realized I wasn't alone, and for all the people that have been injured, one of the things is, I'll tell you, everyone, almost everybody that's been injured really feels abandoned. Abandoned by the healthcare system, abandoned by our politicians and our government and our federal regulatory agencies, but unfortunately, many times, abandoned by our friends, family, and employees.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But really I left there knowing that, you know, we had to do something bigger. And that's where Brianne Dressen and I, who are the co chairs of React 19 really started React 19 as a, as a formal organization later in November of 2021. [00:10:00] And we literally took those original 10 people. And now we represent almost 40, 000 Americans that are injured by the COVID shots.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's incredible that you have been able to gather that many people together. That have been injured by it, that have been willing to come forward because that's, that's what breaks my heart about these people that have been injured. They did what they thought they were supposed to do. Some of them were berated by their family, by their coworkers, by their bosses to get this thing into them that, you know, some felt great doing it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Some were reluctant to, and then they have a problem with it and then they get ostracized and that that's just, that's heartbreaking to me.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, I agree with you, Sam. I mean, again, first of all, uh, you know, and your listeners, I'm not looking for anyone's sympathy. I knowingly got the shot. And again, I would argue that I didn't get informed consent.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: However, I knowingly got the shot and I'm not looking for anyone's sympathy, but. The reason I do what I do, it's easier for me to [00:11:00] disappear into early retired life and keep my mouth shut and just disappear, but the reason I do this, and we all do this at React 19, is to serve these people that have really been traumatized twice.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: They've been traumatized because of their injury itself, and then secondarily, they're traumatized by how they're treated after their injury, and it's really heartbreaking. You know, you know, it's very politically hard or polarized, which it shouldn't be. You know, the right says we're crazy, we're dumb. We got the shot.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: The left says we're crazy anti vaxxers, which is, is, is truly insulting when we tried to get the vaccine. But regardless, I view our, our mission at reacting is a completely non political. Um, fall to action to help these people. Uh, but unfortunately, in reality, all these people are uh, really gaslit by, by their providers.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: They're falling in an anxiety disorder. Their family and friends look at them and they're like, they're [00:12:00] nuts. I remember back in 2021 how I felt, even being in the healthcare system. Looked at like I was brave even in mentioning this could be happening to me, but you know, the truth, you know, the winds of change are occurring, you know, and now who doesn't know somebody that either was injured by the shots or know somebody that knows somebody that was injured.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: The ones are changing and as we said a little bit offline, you know, my goal in 2022, 2022 for organization was really to seek acknowledgement, acknowledgement for these people, just recognition, and that can be super helpful for these people. But now in 2024, we're way beyond, okay, we are seeking really beyond acknowledgement.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: We're really seeking adequate, just and fair compensation for them. And we're trying to be leaders and trying to find them adequate care because they're not getting compensated and not getting care. The compensation program that because [00:13:00] again, the shots, the covid shots aren't, you know, a typical vaccine.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: They're called a countermeasure because the public health emergency. We can't seek remedy financially through the vaccine injury compensation program. We have to seek remedy through the countermeasures injury compensation program. And as of March, which is the last date I saw numbers from the CICP, only 12 Americans have been compensated for a total of 44, 000 for their COVID shot injuries.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And, and really that's horrible. We know there's literally thousands of people out there The C. I. C. P. Program has a 98 percent denial rate. So we're working at react 19 very hard. We have a lobbyist for six months out in D. C. We are working very, very diligently and very hard to really get these people adequate and just compensation, which they're not receiving.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: The other thing is, is we're [00:14:00] really working towards getting them adequate care. Most providers, medical providers, particularly early. From employed providers in university settings have no idea about available diagnostics and treatments of these injuries They don't why it's because they're told how to practice medicine So if I were to you know If you know any of your listeners out there that are looking for adequate care stay away from the big centers the university centers the employed You know, mega providers spot.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Why? Because that's the worst location, in my opinion, to get care. You have to, you have to go back to the independent providers that are truly still scientists, that look at literature themselves, that don't have an agenda outside of this, these health organizations and university settings that can give these people adequate care.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One thing you said is, there has been 44, 000 divided amongst 12 people. That [00:15:00] comes out to 3, 666. That is horrendous. That is despicable. That that's not nearly enough to cover. I mean, like you, sir, you went from standing from 12 to 18 hours a day. I'm guessing as a surgeon, that's what surgeons typically stand and work hard as entire time.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and now you haven't been back to work in years. And it's just, there's no way to compensate you for what you did, but that, that's a slap in the face more than anything.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Well, the compensation program is beyond horrendous. It's insulting to these people. It's truly insulting. So these people have lost their jobs, have lost their careers and all that.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And, and really that's the idea of, you know, the prep act immunity. So the prep act in a public health emergency is, uh, basically says everyone that it's involved in the COVID shots or any other countermeasures to stay. I've completely received complete blank and immunity and I wouldn't get that if there's a true public [00:16:00] health emergency But there should be a safety net Okay for those people that get injured in a public health emergency and that's supposed to be the cicp, but it's so Horrible and every time we're out in dc, I talk to independents.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I talk to democrats. I talk to republicans They all agree the system is broken. The frustrating part of DC is it's a swamp and everyone will agree that it's a horrible broken system, but no one has the courage to actually do anything. And that's why after three years of spending time in DC and begging people to push forward legislation like House Bill 51, 42, and 43, which have to do with updating the VICP, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which hasn't been updated for inflation since its onset in 1986.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And the other part of these bills is it transfers our claims to the V. I. C. P. which has some real money involved. But we've gotten nowhere. These [00:17:00] bills have been sitting, you know, in Congress for over a year. So what are we forced to do? Well, we're going to court. You know, I filed a lawsuit, uh, Aaron serious group and informed consent Action Network.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: file a lawsuit on behalf of myself and two other injured people in April of this year in the northern district of Texas against HHS and against the failed CICP claiming that they violated my 5th and 7th amendment rights which have to do with my constitutional rights to a jury trial and in to do process.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So I filed for the CICP back in May of 2021. It took me 18 months to get denied. I then immediately appealed, and it's been now over 20 months with, with no response. So it's that type of a process that we're up against. which has really led us to court and really through the lawsuit that [00:18:00] I'm involved with.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: There's another one that was filed in Louisiana last year is really trying to take down the prep act community so we can take down the blanket immunity that these pharma companies have. The blanket immunity of these health organizations, these providers have, they really don't even have to give us informed consent when you, when you get a COVID shot, you don't never have to do anything.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Just give you the shot. Uh, if we can take that immunity down, I think we'll get somewhere. And my hope is even if we can get the public's acknowledgement of this dire compensation program, perhaps the general public will help put more pressure on the politicians that we ourselves just can't pressure them enough with it.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: That makes sense. Thanks.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You know, one thing that really intrigues me is this immunity. I, I, I truly pray every day that this can be removed because I think once we can break that dam and allow patients to sue their doctor that said to get this, that is still saying to get this even to this day, because there are many out there, [00:19:00] then this will change behavior.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Sure. I, that, that's the whole point, Sam, behind my, the lawsuit that I'm involved with and the lawsuit, several other injured people are involved in, in the state of Louisiana. It's really getting at the point that what we have been put through is unconstitutional. And the basis of what we're going to get to is take down the PrEP Act immunity.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Now, my, my chair at React 19, Brianne Dressen, just last month, her, she was the first American to sue AstraZeneca. So I don't know if you saw that suit that got dropped last month. So AstraZeneca, he received the AstraZeneca shot, uh, I'm sorry, excuse me, shot during the clinical trial here in the United States.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So she got one shot at a horrible adverse event, neurological adversity. They never got her second shot. Now, because she didn't finish the trial, meaning she didn't get her shot, her data was removed from their trial data. [00:20:00] Now, he has heard of the clinical trial, Uh, well, we know several, but again, they're all trying to join on the lawsuit that you filed with because the problem is not huge in the United States, but.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: What's happening now is, is, uh, as her trial or her case is becoming public, more and more people that were clinical trial participants for the AstraZeneca trial are coming out of the woodwork. In fact, Brianne and I were just out in New York City a couple of weeks meeting with some potential donors and we met with another person injured by the trials.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So, what people need to understand is, is the AstraZeneca, if you're involved in a clinical trial, that's contractual law. That's outside of PrEP Act immunity. So, she had a contract with the AstraZeneca trial, which is, which is outside of the PrEP Act immunity. And therefore, she can sue. Now, and, and this has been going on for her over three years.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And do you know what they offered her in settlement prior to it being, going to court? They offered her 1, [00:21:00] 200. Wow. They offered her 1, 200 for medical, for medical bills because she gets IVIG every two weeks. Her medical bills exceed over 300, 000 a year and she's lost her career and so forth. So, but at least, I mean, again, there's some hope because she's able to take them to court.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But again, the people involved in the critical trials here, like Maddie DeGaray, who was a 12 year old girl that was injured in the Pfizer trial, she can, you know, there's a claim coming against Pfizer. But for the vast majority of us, okay, who received the injection, not through a clinical trial, but during the emergency use authorization, we are completely hosed, unless we can take down the PREPAC community.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And that's one of the things, certainly, in the strategy we're trying to do. We would hope that our politicians would just do the right thing and And enact legislation to help us. But again, I'm certainly understanding now having been to the swamp of D. C. so many times. Uh, they all say the same thing. They all [00:22:00] say they want to help, but no one has the courage actually to step up.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You had mentioned something earlier that I want to go back to. You had said countermeasures. Now, for people that are new to this or maybe haven't heard this term before or understand what countermeasures means, can you go into that as deep as you would like? Because I know you can, that can be a really deep place to go into understanding for this.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Call, uh, the Covid shots vaccine. There were never a vaccine, even according to the US governments and the regulatory agencies, United States, there were never a vaccine. A vaccine is a, that prevents transmissions infection, you know, from a pathogen like a virus. That has gone through the normal regulatory processes of the FDA and CDC, which usually take 5 to 10 years.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: When there was a public health emergency declared, which there was back in 2021, [00:23:00] or maybe it was in 2020 now, I forget. Uh, when there was a public health emergency, basically what that means is all the normal regulatory norms and expectations of new products, you know, go out the window. And basically, pharmaceutical companies in conjunction with the FDA and CDC don't have to follow the normal rules of drug, uh, uh, studying, drug monitoring, drugs, uh, safety, and drug approval.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So they don't have to follow the normal rules. They still themselves didn't call it a vaccine, they called it a coronation. Okay, because it was really done it was created under during a public health emergency and outside normal regulatory norms, and that's why When we seek financial remedy, we don't seek financial remedy through the vaccine injury compensation program We seek it through the countermeasures injury [00:24:00] compensation program, you know, truly, you know, who was really the the The implementer and the distributor of the covid shots.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: It was the military. I mean, that's just a fact So it's outside the total normal regulatory norm and what's really sad is The public health emergency ended last year, but the prep act immunity is still ongoing and now is scheduled to expire december 31st of this year and frankly by a signature of the 2020 The hhs secretary can be extended even beyond that.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So how can you have it both ways? How can you not have no longer a public health emergency that you can still protect? providers health care organizations federal regulatory agencies And pharma companies and give them blanket immunity Even though the PrEP Act immunity instead of public health emergency is over.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: It's, it's illogical, [00:25:00] it's immoral, it's unethical. I mean, I could continue and continue to continue, but for these people that got injured and did what they thought was do the right thing, they're continually hosed, left and right, and still to this day, they're continually hosed.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: One thing that, uh, I want to kind of refer back to one of my episodes, and sir, I don't know if you've ever seen this or heard me talk about it before, but it's episode 33 of this podcast, and this idea of countermeasures, and kind of going down that road, Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna Mihayka, um, she explores this a lot more, and how, yeah, exactly as you said, this was distributed, made, and the entire operation was run by the DOD. And so a countermeasure is something that we use to oppose an attack. And if you look at the Pfizer documents that were published through, uh, they were received through FOIA, through Judicial Watch, and you look at the redaction codes on these, and I go into this in depth on episode 33, one of the redaction codes that's used the most is Bravo 4.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then you go and you [00:26:00] reference that to the U. S. archives, and what does Bravo 4 actually mean? And it means to expose this information would inhibit the application of A state of the art U. S. weapons system. So right there, they're telling you. And I discovered this back in, what, 2022. And I went to the post commander and tried to show him, Sir, you can stop this.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You have UCMJ authority to start a court martial and to get this underway. And he refused to. And, you know, he was so in the system. He said, you know, you're probably right, Siglof. You need to keep fighting for it, but you need to fight on the outside. And so now I've done that, and I want people to understand that if that's true, which I believe it is, then you are more likely injured by

Dr. Joel Wallskog: a weapon rather than by anything else.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, I'll always say that, you know, the me of five years ago would call the me of today a conspiracy theorist. But everything that I've said and I've heard when I do, when it all becomes [00:27:00] reality, it's no longer conspiracy. Uh, you know, Brianne Dress and I have, you know, been on numerous meetings with Dr.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Peter Merckx, who is the head of biologics. He is responsible. He is responsible for the COVID shots at the FDA. I have, we have recorded him. We have handed off hours and hours of videotape. We have, uh, sent off hundreds of emails from him. Janet Woodcock, uh, you name it, all of the big players. Uh, and I'll tell you some of the stuff we've heard, we've seen in writing, we've handed off to the House, uh, Investigations Committee is alarming.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Uh, I can't believe I live in the United States and, and I've heard what I've heard and I've seen what I've seen. Uh, but it's true. It's true. And, you know, again, I'm, I am one of the most, you know, I come from a very traditional healthcare background. And, you know, if you asked me five years ago, did I ever think some of this stuff that I've now heard and seen is it could be true here in the United States of America, the answer is no way.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Only [00:28:00] crazy conspiracy theorists would think that. Bye. But now after, you know, I've learned more and more and, and, and really firsthand, and these aren't just rumor mills, uh, these are firsthand interactions I've had with people. It's alarming, and it's alarming, it's embarrassing, uh, that I live in the United States, and, and, you know, we, we're up against this kind of, uh, What I call is evil at this point.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I think there's an overarching evil that we're fighting. It's just not greed. It's just not the search for power. It's true evil. Uh, that's what I think we're fighting.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Can we go into that a bit more? Do you have any sort of religious or spiritual belief, belief

Dr. Joel Wallskog: in a higher power? I do. I do. And you know, I will tell you, uh, in this experience, I've had two transformational moments.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: One of them I already alluded to. Uh, one of them was when I went and we had that press conference with senator rain jensen and i'd left there in very much i called my wife from the uber and said [00:29:00] megan I know what i'm going to do next. Uh, and I know what my mission was because for 2021 I just didn't know what I was gonna do with my life and and I can't my brain still works My body doesn't necessarily work so well, but my brain does Uh, well, at least okay.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But, um, that being said, the other transformational moment I had was, uh, I was down in Nashville and I was taping for a podcast. I was with R. P. Junior, Senator Ron Johnson, Kenny Maurer, who's an MBA rep that got fired. A bunch of other people, but, um, uh, it was, uh, the blaze, uh, and I forget, uh, I feel embarrassing forgetting, but, uh, Justin, Jason Whitlow.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So anyway, so we, we, we flew in there and I didn't even know who we were, you know, present with the next day. Um, but there was this guy that we met in the lobby. Again, I got in there eight or nine o'clock and this guy was pretty kind of a shabby looking guy at a footy on ripped up jeans. I should have put it together.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: He had some military boots on, but I didn't. We started [00:30:00] talking again. Never had met him before. Never knew who he was. Long story short, he's the next Navy SEAL. And he asked me before I knew who he was, he asked me who our enemy was. And I said, you know, top 10 things. I said, number one through nine is really greed.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And number 10 is probably the search for power and control. And he said, Joel, I disagree with you. And I was like, okay, I can do that. So, you know, let me, you know, what is, what, what is And he really said evil. And he talked to me about his experience in the military. And he said, Joe, I never killed anybody.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Uh, and he said, I killed a lot of people and I always looked him out of the eyes. And he said, I never killed anybody that had any interest. And money, and I never killed anybody that had any interest in power control. All I saw in their eyes was evil. And we've probably talked that night for two or three hours.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And then I couldn't sleep of course, because a lot of the stuff [00:31:00] you started telling me kind of gave me a much bigger perspective of what we're fighting. And for me, it was a very transformational moment. You're getting Steven Kaplan. Uh, he lives out in Hawaii and I still keep in touch with him, but he kind of gave me a very bigger picture of what was fighting.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Very spiritual battle at this point because it, this can't be just as simple as people are just looking to fill their pockets. I, I think they, and it can't be just for, you know, the world in, you know, governor of California just can't be that there to be something bigger. And for me, after meeting Steven and him giving me so much bigger.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: erection. It's been super helpful to me because I really view on a daily basis. I'm fighting evil.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and principalities of darkness in the unseen realm. [00:32:00] And I have. Uh, just prior to COVID starting, there was this book, and I encourage every listener here to go pick up this book, read it, or listen to it on audio book, but it's The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser, and Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Michael Heiser is a biblical scholar, and he talks about how that idea of this unseen realm is woven through the entire Old Testament, but if you don't understand the connotation of the literature. And what it was meant to the people at that time, then you don't see that. And it really removed the scales for my eyes to see during, you know, the BLM riots, these aren't people just doing what they're doing.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: There is something much deeper going on that is just hellbent on destruction of humanity. And what better way to strike at God, if you can't strike at God than to strike at his creation and that's people.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, I agree. And turn people against each other and create chaos. Yeah. And, and [00:33:00] fear again, you know, you create a little bit of fear.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: You look back at the pandemic, how, how many of me, how many of us were so foolish and responded to a little bit of fear by giving up so much of our God given liberty, but we did it very easily. And again, a lot of people didn't, and to those people that stood firm, you know, but I admit, you know, I was part of the system and I trusted that system.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And, you know, as part of the system, my entire life, you know, so. Again, I'm not saying I'm right or wrong. I, in fact, I'm very critical of myself and I don't have any problems in my being critical of me, but look at where we're at and how do we get out of this and how do we prevent the next disease X because there will be, it will be the next disease X and it didn't take that much fear for us to really, you know, for lack of a better term, poop in our pants and give up all this liberty and just say, Oh, that's okay.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: No, I won't ever do that again, but I hope everyone is prepared and has learned enough. And, you know, we've been lied to, you know, we've been told, [00:34:00] okay, safe and effective in such little terms that which mean nothing, but there were lies and people, again, I do think are waking up. I do think it's a tough struggle though, because we're in a situation where, uh, you know, the, our scientific journals, healthcare organizations captured by pharma money, obviously pharma itself is captured by itself and greed.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Their media is certainly captured, you know, who doesn't see that every other commercial you see is pharma Uh, so that's this chaotic world we live in but we have to see there's a bigger struggle that we're up against And again, I do think they you know, the the The evil forces that we're up against are here to take down people, but take down God.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I want to say something that's kind of harkening back to what you said earlier, is that, you know, the people on the left say, oh, it never happened, and the people on the right say, oh, you were, you know, a dumb sheep to get it. [00:35:00] And I want to tell everyone at this very moment that if you participate in that kind of belittling of people who have been harmed, then that is not a spirit from God, that is a spirit from the evil one.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And please remove that as best you can from yourselves and pray that that can be removed from you because you are spreading more hatred and you are not helping anyone. This is the time for those who love God and those who are, let's say, not churched or not Christian or not any religion, come together and treat others as you would like to be treated.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if you were injured, you would not want someone belittling you. I see posts all the time about, oh, look, they got the shot and now they're dead. Ha ha. That is a disgusting

Dr. Joel Wallskog: and horrible thing to do.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: It's evil. It is evil. And I think people need to put down their swords. And, you know, that have returned back to, you know, being empathetic human beings, you know, and, and, and try to, you know, we're all centers for, for [00:36:00] her, but again, trying to be, you know, more like, as we, we all have to stop putting on our swords and start caring for each other.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And I think we'd be in a much better world because for those people that say that, oh, they're. You know, there are anti vaxxers and then like you said, they just rip on people to get the shots or you know Serves you right kind of a thing that that itself is just becoming the evil that we're all trying to fight against And it's it's horrible and you know, we see it all the time.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I try to avoid social media I'm gonna put stuff out there to communicate But again, I don't read many comments because I got sick of it And I it just it would irritate me, but I never really taken it personally, but you're very fruitful also with And words are hurtful. Um, you know, and I'm, what I would say is I'm a little, I have pretty thick skin.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So people can tell you a lot, but you know, a lot of people that are injured, um, they're already somewhat, what I would say is they're already somewhat marginalized and it doesn't take much to put them off the edge and really drive them [00:37:00] to even a worse place after their injury.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Exactly. Especially with some of the side

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: effects we've been seeing as suicide was a suicidality. Is it? Is it from being marginalized or is it from some other effect of the shot to the brain? We we don't know but let's be part of the solution everyone all of my listeners. I expect you to be part of the Solution not not contributing to the problem spreading more hate and I would suspect that most of my listeners are part of the solution

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, and that's why we do a react 19.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I mean, we're not You know, we do tell our sad stories sometimes, uh, you know, but really our goal is that, you know, We say this openly our goal is to take our negative reactions and turn it into positive action We are not an organization that just wants to say up for us for me We want to be part of the solution and that's one of the reasons i'm very active and we're very active as an organization In compensation reform in D.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: C. Do I enjoy going to D. C. and bowing shoulder to shoulder with some politicians? Absolutely not. It's a disgusting swamp. However, [00:38:00] uh, you know, is that an area that we have to go to to try to work towards getting compensation reform? Sure. And now, you know, we're also working on trying to open some satellite clinics and a brick and mortar clinic to treat complex genetic illness to include lung COVID and VAX injury down in Texas.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: We're trying to get a clinic open here this year down there to try to be part of the solution of trying to find these people, you know, care and adequate care. We can get the model down if we can promulgate the model throughout the United States. We want to be part of that solution again, not just find them compensation.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But to try to find them care and that's why again, we're a proactive advocacy organization We're not again about telling her sad stories. We're about action and that's really what we want to be There's a lot of organizations out there and this kind of medical freedom that kind of are coming and going You know and now that the mandates are over a lot of those organizations are kind of fiddling out But our call to action is stronger than really is stronger than ever Because these people aren't [00:39:00] going away, they're still more injured, and there's still a lot of people that have been injured that just really aren't getting better, and that's what we're going to continue to fight for.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So if someone's injured,

Dr. Joel Wallskog: and they're looking for a doctor, where, where can they look? That's a great question. So, uh, so if you're injured, the number one thing I would tell an injured person, Is to avoid large health organization systems like employed models where the doctor works for a company that has 30, 000 doctors or 10, 000 doctors because those doctors treat based off what they're told to treat.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: They're told how to diagnose a problem. They're told what to look for and they're told how you can treat a given condition. Also university systems at this point in the United States are very poor places to go. Because their doctors also, they're kind of an employed model. They, the doctors there really tend to not have any idea of the syndromes that we have, nor do they [00:40:00] have any idea of available diagnostics and treatments.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So the first thing I would tell an injured person is to try to seek out an independent provider. One that is still a scientist, that can practice how they, the art of medicine, which is, Which is the art of medicine. As you know, Sam, there's a lot more than just looking in a textbook, it's putting hands on people, listening to them, you know, trying to put things together, knowing that some of these syndromes of the COVID shot injuries are novel and you got to keep an open mind.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Now, the other thing is, is, you know, I welcome any of your listeners to look at our website, www. react19. org. Uh, we have provider networks out there, uh, we have an advocacy network. Our advocacy network is a team of nurses and social workers across the country that can be assigned to the more marginalized injured person and that can help get them through the providers that we know won't gaslight them and at least have some [00:41:00] idea of available diagnostics and treatments.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So that would be my recommendation, that you utilize our, our resources that we have through our reacting team. But also seek out independent providers that still are scientists on their own, still look at data on their own. It's not too hard to look at even CDC data and know that there's alarming rise in certain tumors.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Okay. Yet, if you go C. D. C. Data, I don't make this up. I mean, again, the C. D. C. Data is there. But if you go to, uh, say, like a place in a university health care system and you say, Hey, is there a rise in cancers after the covid shots? They're gonna look at you like you're nuts. So again, you just have to find the right provider, which is difficult.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And that's why we're trying to also work at the same point. To create our own clinic for a collaboration with providers We trust And we're trying to get this clinic open with some satellites and if we can get treatment protocols down Then we want to try and promulgate those [00:42:00] protocols that we know are working to other like minded Providers that just need more information need the protocols and I we think we can help people exponentially more through that kind of uh But that through the idea of having clinics and satellites and really promulgate those those working treatment protocols throughout the country.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: If we wait for the current health care systems to help us, we'll all be dead. We'll all be dead.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I would say to, to further back your point is the doctors that are listed on your website, they actually talk to them. I received a phone call before they would list my name there and we had a long discussion.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It was a very pleasant discussion and I was very impressed that they took the time to actually reach out to me and, and see, you know, am I a doctor that, that believes the way that y'all believe at react 19 or am I just some Yahoo who's trying to get my name in another [00:43:00] place? Thanks. And, you know, we talked for a while and they discovered who I was and what I was doing and they happily put my name on your website.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, so we vet every person individually. So and that's different than a lot of other organizations. So a lot of other organizations i'm not going to bring up names, but we'll just you know If you say hey, I want to be associated with your organization. You just put you on the website and that's not who we are um, and that's not who we are because These people that we represent have already been as we talked about was double traumatized once for the injury and once have they been treated By everybody and and i'd rather have one one hundredth of the number of providers on there You Then some other organizations, but confident that the providers that we have out there may at least will not gaslight this population and at least have a desire and a willingness to open their minds to available diagnostic and treatments.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So, yeah, that's what you got a phone call. Probably was from Jeff Jones, who is, [00:44:00] uh, my 1 of my infectious disease instructors went out of the medical school a couple of years ago, but. Yeah, I used to do the, the actually vetting myself and people were kind of surprised that we wouldn't just throw them on our website.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But and and honestly with to be honest with you, we don't put everybody that's interested in the website There there's evil even on our side There's there's people on our side that uh are big and what I call is pontification I'd like to hear them speak at meetings and there's also people on our side that are involved in monetization you know who doesn't know who somebody who's writing a book or Or gets on the speaking circuit and likes to get their name out there and is tied to a nutraceutical company You Uh, so, uh, I always say, even on our side, there's evil, and, and there's, and that evil usually falls in the, in, provider wise, in the area of pontification and monetization of the injured.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And, and we're very careful. You can smell that out, uh, a million miles away.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: It's nice to have such a [00:45:00] trusted resource that,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: that takes the time. To do that extra step, because I think that's one of the problems with, with the world today, with all the social media, with all the cell phones and the quote, connectiveness, we have become less connected. And I think building those relationship is not, that's the foundation of medicine is having a relationship with your clinician and with the patient.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: A hundred percent. A hundred percent. And that's why sometimes, you know, as an organization, React 19 isn't the. We're not the uh, we're not the firecrackers screaming at the top of our lungs, screaming murderers and all this other stuff. We're, we're more cool, calm and collected, but as more kind of organizations have kind of come and gone and been more of the polarizing variety, it's, it's kind of interesting that we're still here.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: You know, we're, we're still here saying the same things, representing the same people. Uh, but what I see is we're cool, calm and collected. And again, that's my hope. My hope is through a [00:46:00] strategy of being Of having a full common collected attitude or strategy will allow us to really open the eyes of what I call is the moldable middle.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Okay. So there's tons, you know, like there's our side, which I can say, I'm confident we know the truth, right? We know the truth of what's happened the last three years. We've seen it. We know what evil is. We know what good is. And there's the opposite side who you can show them that something black, they'll say it's white.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: You can show them it's white, they're going to black. I've given up on that. Those are people that just deny reality and deny science, frankly, that it's always funny. They say, follow the science, and that's exactly what I, what I do and what we do at REC 18. But the reality is, is I think the majority of the public just doesn't know what happened the last three years, doesn't know about these shot injuries, doesn't know what these people have been through.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And if they did, they would put, you know, they would speak up. They would put their money where their mouth is. They would reach out to their politicians. They would put more pressure on their [00:47:00] politicians to enact legislation. That's really what we're trying to go for is really the those people that are good people out there That just don't know the truth

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: exactly and the way we change Legislature is we first change the culture and it seems like you're doing a very good job of that

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Yeah, we're trying to I mean sometimes, you know our side likes when we scream and yell at people and go to you know Go to conferences and swear and all that but I really um, that's polarizing itself And I think that turns off a lot of people in the shin public And that's why again, I'm sitting here talking to you.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I've never gotten riled up. I mean, I feel very, very strong about what I do and why we do it here at RAC 19. Uh, but we're trying to do it for the right reasons. And I always say, you know, just like I did to, you know, I said to my kids when they were little, always do the right thing for the right reasons.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: You know, if you live by that motto, I think this would be a better world. And that's what we're going to continue to do. And I'm going to continue, as well as all of us at [00:48:00] Reactive 18, are going to continue to do this until, you know, again, we get these people adequate breast augmentation, and we get them adequate medical care.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: But we're not just going to sit back. People won't listen. Uh, it may just continue to blow us off, which certainly they try to do repeatedly, but we'll see in court.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Joel, Dr. Walsog, thank you so much. Where can we, where can we find your website?

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Please, uh, yeah, all of your listeners, please take a look at our website.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: It's www. react19. org. Uh, please take a look at our website. If any of your listeners are, or have, uh, some sort of inability to donate, there's a donate button. Thank you. Uh, we also, uh, now accept even cryptocurrency. We accept, uh, donor, uh, assisted funds. We, we accept stocks. We accept anything. It's a, it's a very difficult area to, to really, uh, to fundraise in.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I'll tell you, it's a certainly struggle. We [00:49:00] have zero corporate sponsorship. Uh, our average, uh, donor is about 80, but again, any dollar helps. We are an all volunteer organization too. So just so your listeners know, I mean, none of us take a dollar from this organization. Uh, you know, despite, you know, several of the people in the organization being, you know, obviously have lost their careers and so forth.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So, you know, none of us take a dollar from the organization.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. That's, it's not often you hear of a charity or an organization of this nature taking nothing for themselves.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: We take nothing. You know, we just completed our last audit of our, you know, we had flying colors and You know, obviously, because our overhead is extraordinarily low, obviously we have the operating expenses and computers and website and all that, but again, we take zero salaries.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: So again, the vast majority of our funds go directly to the injured in the form of a care fund. We've given out well over 800, 000 now. In comparison to the 44, [00:50:00] 000 of the CICP, but we've given out well over 800, 000 to injured Americans, specifically for uncovered medical expenses. These are people that are in the worst of the worst financial, you know, situations.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: I'll just give you the last one that I can remember we approved was. A gentleman that, uh, had blood clotting problems and had a May Turner type syndrome where a compression of one of his iliac veins and, and literally needed 10, 000 to get a, uh, uh, vein study and a stent put in his leg. And again, wasn't covered by his insurance.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: And we literally flipped the bill for his entire procedure. And I think he's getting it next week or the week after. So, uh, every dollar that's donated, you know, to the care fund, every dollar goes directly. Uh, to begin group in the form of, uh, these medical grants for uncovered medical spaces.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's wonderful.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Dr. Walsalk, thank you so much. And God bless you in your, in your fight and your struggle. And, and may you keep doing this [00:51:00] until you get the change that you're looking for.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Well, thank you. And we will, you know, what I always say is, you know, we don't lose, we won't lose.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: God bless you.

Dr. Joel Wallskog: Thank you. God bless you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, the duty uniform of the day. The full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.

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Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Check out MyCleanbeef.com/afterhours. That's mycleanbeef.com/afterhours, mycleanbeef.com/afterhours.

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