"Romehmu ADONAI Eloheynu (Exalt the LORD our God)", Psalm 99, Christene Jackman,

6 months ago

Romehmu ADONAI Eloheynu (Exalt the LORD our God), Psalm 99
Words: Tehilim / Psalms 99
Music & Performance: Christene Jackman (c)&(p)May 21, 2012.
BMI# 30992776
Written in Israel. Use modified D tuning Capo at 2nd Fret.


(vs 9) Ro-meh-mu ADONAI Eloheynu (Exalt the LORD our God)
ve-hish-ta-cha-voo le-har kod-sho (And worship at HIs holy mountain)

ki Kadosh ADONAI Eloheynu (For the LORD our God is holy)
kadosh ata, kadosh ata ADONAI

(vs1) ADONAI malach / yir-ge-zoo amim
(The LORD reigns / Let the peoples tremble)

yo-shev K'roo-vim /ta-noot ha-aretz
(He sits between the Cherubim / Let the earth be moved)

(vs 2) ADONAI beTziyon gadol / Ve-ram hoo al--kol--ha-mim
(The LORD is great in Zion / And He is high above all the peoples)

(vs 3) Yo-doo shim-cha gadol ve-nora / Kadosh hoo
(Let them praise Your great and awesome Name / for it is holy)

(vs 9) Ro-meh-mu ADONAI Eloheynu (Exalt the LORD our God)
ve-hish-ta-cha-voo le-har kod-sho (And worship at HIs holy mountain)

ki Kadosh ADONAI Eloheynu (For the LORD our God is holy)
kadosh ata, kadosh ata ADONAI

(vs 4) Ve-oz melech mishpat ahev /Ata ko-nan-ta mei-sha-rim
(The might of the King who loves judgment! / You establish equity)

mishpat ootz-da-ka be-Yaakov at asi-ta
(You execute judgment and righteousness in Jacob)

(vs 5) Rome-moo ADONAI Eloheynoo (Exalt the LORD our God)
Ve-hish-ta-cha-voo la-ha-dom rag-lav (And worship at His footstool)
Kadosh hoo (for He is holy)

(vs 6) Moshe ve-Aha-ron be-cho-ha-nav
(Moses and Aaron were among His priests)
Oo-Sh'muel be-kor-ey sh'mo
(And Samuel was among those who called upon His Name)
Ko-rim el--ADONAI, ve-hoo ya-a-nem
(They called upon the LORD and He answered them)

(vs 7) Be-a-mood anan ye-da-ber a-lei-hem
(He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar)
Sham-roo edo-tav
(They kept His testimonies)
ve-chok na-tan la-mo
(And the statute that He gave them)

(vs 8) ADONAI Eloheynoo ata ani-tam
(You answered them, O LORD our God)
"El No-se" ha-yi-ta la-hem
(You were "God Who *Forgives" to them)
v'no-kem al--ali-lo-tam
(Though You took vengeance for their **wrongdoings)

(vs 9) Ro-meh-mu ADONAI Eloheynu (Exalt the LORD our God)
ve-hish-ta-cha-voo le-har kod-sho (And worship at HIs holy mountain)

ki Kadosh ADONAI Eloheynu (For the LORD our God is holy)
kadosh ata, kadosh ata ADONAI

* Hebrew: nasa: "to lift, bear up, carry, take... forgive."
** Hebrew: h5949 עלילה `aliylah: "wantonness". The first usage of this word is in Deu 22:14, talking about a man who marries a woman who was found not to be a virgin.

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