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Hiking & Outdoors
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Take a Peak 78

Several irregularities in the lidar map drove me out to explore several boulders. I was able to drive up close to the rocks, so it was a pretty short hike, though it took longer than expected.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
It's a Dangerous Business Frodo 2

If all goes according to plan, I'll be exploring another volcano today. I've been here once before, years ago. There are no trails, so it's one of my standard bushwhack adventures.
It's a Dangerous Business Frodo

Seems like a good day for a hike. Perfect weather, way less smoke from wildfires. The outdoors beckon, and I'll answer the call.
Take a Peak 72

After the failed attempt to drive to a hiking destination on the 19th, I tried again today. It was still practically impossible to drive anywhere due to deep snow. I could have made it without snowshoes, but I would have been postholing for part of the hike. There was very little no snow at the very top of the butte. I got a view above the cinder pit and climbed further to the summit. I also explored the ridge that extends down from the summit. There was much more snow in this area since it was shaded from the sun. There were some small boulders in this area that I don't think I had explored before. On the way back down I didn't put my snowshoes on. My feet were pretty wet by the end.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 77

The top of the nearby butte has little of interest, but these boulders were a nice find.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 76

Not the most interesting destination I have explored to date, but everywhere I go cheers me up, and I figure I can share it. A thunder cloud was rolling overhead, but thankfully it barely sprinkled. This rock quarry was dug out of some natural volcanic rock feature. I'm curious how tall it was prior to human activity. Clearly dynamite was used to break up the rocks at one point in time. I'm not sure if this place is actively used or not. No vehicles or structures nearby except for my own. It is right next to the highway, but fenced off from access in that direction.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Swept Off To... #1

Back to Sunday hikes again. I'll reach as many destinations as I can today. If there is a cell signal, I'll stream parts of the hikes.
Take a Peak 75

After the first hike that I livestreamed I did another quick one nearby. There wasn't enough time to set up a livestream for this one, plus the signal in the area kinda sucked. I recorded the hike with my cell phone and gimbal instead. It's not the usual 360 video format.
Smokey Family Robinson Jacques Cousteau & Crusoe

I was about to work on the staircase again when I walked outside to realize, "It's super nice out here!" So I skipped that and suited up for a hike instead. No idea where I'm going, but I can't resist the chance to get outside. It might be smoky from various wildfires blowing in from across the state, so the views might be crystal clear like earlier in the season.
A Mountaintop Experience

This is a favorite hike of mine. It's probably the most scenic place I have ever been. It's a long drive to get there, so I got up ridiculously early to get there and still have time to complete the hike. I have done no preparation or training hikes this year, so I'll be taking it very slow. If I'm unable to make it to the top, hopefully I can at least make it high enough to see some beautiful scenery. If there is a signal somewhere on the route, I'll share the experience with anyone who drops by.
BibIRLe #13 - 2 Chronicles 8

Hiking and Bible reading combined. I'll do as many as time and cell signal allow. Instead of doing entire readings at each location, I'll split the daily reading plan into smaller chunks. Whatever I don't finish out and about I'll finish another time when I'm back at home.
BibIRLe #12 - 1 Kings 9

Hiking and Bible reading combined. I'll do as many as time and cell signal allow. Instead of doing entire readings at each location, I'll split the daily reading plan into smaller chunks. Whatever I don't finish out and about I'll finish another time when I'm back at home.
BibIRLe #11 - 2 Corinthians 7

Hiking and Bible reading combined. I'll do as many as time and cell signal allow. Instead of doing entire readings at each location, I'll split the daily reading plan into smaller chunks. Whatever I don't finish out and about I'll finish another time when I'm back at home.
BibIRLe #10 - Psalm 136

Hiking and Bible reading combined. I'll do as many as time and cell signal allow. Instead of doing entire readings at each location, I'll split the daily reading plan into smaller chunks. Whatever I don't finish out and about I'll finish another time when I'm back at home.
BibIRLe #9 - 2 Chronicles 6-7

Hiking and Bible reading combined. I'll do as many as time and cell signal allow. Instead of doing entire readings at each location, I'll split the daily reading plan into smaller chunks. Whatever I don't finish out and about I'll finish another time when I'm back at home.
If You Don't Keep Your Feet #4

I have a few vague destinations in mind for today's hiking adventures. If any of them offer a signal, I'll stream a bit. If not, you won't know, nor will you read this text. Oh wait, no one reads these things anyway. I could write whatever junk I want in these descriptions. But whey would I do that? No idea. Check. Done.
If You Don't Keep Your Feet #3

I have a few vague destinations in mind for today's hiking adventures. If any of them offer a signal, I'll stream a bit. If not, you won't know, nor will you read this text. Oh wait, no one reads these things anyway. I could write whatever junk I want in these descriptions. But whey would I do that? No idea. Check. Done.
If You Don't Keep Your Feet #2

I have a few vague destinations in mind for today's hiking adventures. If any of them offer a signal, I'll stream a bit. If not, you won't know, nor will you read this text. Oh wait, no one reads these things anyway. I could write whatever junk I want in these descriptions. But whey would I do that? No idea. Check. Done.
If You Don't Keep Your Feet #1

I have a few vague destinations in mind for today's hiking adventures. If any of them offer a signal, I'll stream a bit. If not, you won't know, nor will you read this text. Oh wait, no one reads these things anyway. I could write whatever junk I want in these descriptions. But whey would I do that? No idea. Check. Done.
SurpIRLse, Bible Reading - 1 Chronicles 23-25, Psalm 108-110, 1 Corinthians 6

Not sure where I'm going exactly, but I want to get outside today. Yesterday they said there would be thunderstorms today. Now it looks super nice. With zero plan, I'm going to get ready and head out somewhere. Maybe a hike, maybe find a place to sit and read. Won't know until I get there.
Good Ole Fashioned DLive Only Special

Quick DLive exclusive livestream to close out my day of hiking. Didn't have time to setup the multi-streaming experience. Great sunset at the water's edge.
Something Something IRL Dot Com 2

Going somewhere, not sure where. If you look at your face really close in a mirror while watching this tream you might see some dots. There are no coms though. I just added that to the title for no reason at all.
Something Something IRL Dot Com, Bible Reading - Psalm 26, 40, 58, 61-62, 64, 1 Corinthians 1

Going somewhere, not sure where. If you look at your face really close in a mirror while watching this tream you might see some dots. There are no coms though. I just added that to the title for no reason at all. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Take a Peak 73

In the middle of my live stream atop a rock pinnacle I recorded a short 360 video to keep my Take a Peak series going. I haven't been quite as excited to record with the huge scratch on my camera. There is a backlog of videos I still need to edit, but I decided to upload this one so it would be available for those who watch my livestreams on various platforms. A replacement lens is on order for my Insta360 One R. I'd love to get the new X4, but I can't afford it. The cheap fix should hopefully get rid of the scratch so I can record future videos with visual clarity. I forgot to record audio with my Sony PCM-M10, so the audio is taken from my livestream. Audio was recorded with my old Samsung S9 phone with an external lapel mic.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Here are links to the live stream where this video fits in:
May Be IRL #4, Bible Reading - 2 Samuel 8-9, 1 Chronicles 18, 1 Thessalonians 2

Every IRL is a maybe because it is never certain whether time or signal will allow for a live stream. Plus, May brings rain, mosquites and other variables, so IRL in May is always a Maybe. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
May Be IRL #3, Bible Reading - Psalm 1-2, 15, 22-24, 47, 68, Galatians 6

Every IRL is a maybe because it is never certain whether time or signal will allow for a live stream. Plus, May brings rain, mosquites and other variables, so IRL in May is always a Maybe. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
May-Be IRL, If Love Can See Us Through, Bible Reading - 1 Chronicles 6, Psalm 81, 88, 92, 93, Galatians 1

Couldn't think of a stream title because I had no idea where I'd be going. Super generic title is the cure! It'll be an IRL stream of me somewhere out there, hiking, in the month of May, maybe... if love can see us through. Since God is love, I suppose all things are possible. Even this live stream. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
AprIRL #60, BibIRLe #8 - 1 Samuel 16-20, Psalm 11, 59, Acts 10

I almost forgot about AprIRL this year. The only rules of an AprIRL stream for me are 1) it happens in the month of April, 2) broadcast from somewhere outside in "the real world" as opposed to from home. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
AprIRL #59, BibIRLe #7 - 1 Samuel 1-3, Acts 7

My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
AprIRL #58, BibIRLe #6 - Ruth, Acts 6

I almost forgot about AprIRL this year. The only rules of an AprIRL stream for me are 1) it happens in the month of April, 2) broadcast from somewhere outside in "the real world" as opposed to from home. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
AprIRL #57, BibIRLe #5 - Joshua 22-24, John 20

I almost forgot about AprIRL this year. The only rules of an AprIRL stream for me are 1) it happens in the month of April, 2) broadcast from somewhere outside in "the real world" as opposed to from home. My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on. Bible text is from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher. I'm not a well-educated Bible answer person. Here are some resources for those with deep question about the Christian faith: Mike Winger, May the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ guide you into all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Bible Reading - Numbers 28-30, Matthew 23

Today is a nice day, so I'll attempt to find a spot with enough signal to live stream from the river. I have a lot of catching up to do on the reading plan due to lapses in family and friend visits around the Easter holiday. I might do a couple readings IRL if I have time. I now have the physical Berean Standard Bible I ordered, so I can read from that instead of my phone if there's a reason to do so. Technically it's usually easier to read from my phone, but I'm old fashioned and want to try a physical one again. Bible text readings are from the Berean Standard Bible (BSB). The BSB was generously dedicated to the public domain in 2023 and can be quoted in any form without prior permission from the publisher.
Take a Peak 71, Bible Reading - Numbers 14-15, Psalm 90, Luke 18:15-43

Winter has finally broken, and the weather is transitioning to spring. You might not be able to tell from the video since there's snow everywhere, but it's quite warm. I had to take off the jacket I started with. This is a crossover video between my Take a Peak series and my daily Bible Readings.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 70

One more adventure for the day, to the top of the butte. With only a few minutes of recording time left on my camera I rushed through the trees to an opening near the top. I was welcomed by a wide open view. From there I headed down the gravel slope.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 69

A short climb to the top revealed a hidden castle-like platform that I couldn't resist to explore. It required a jump or tricky climb to get to it, so I turned my camera off during that section. From the platform with an awesome view I wedged down a narrow slide between two rocks.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Bible Reading - Exodus 32-34, Matthew 15:32-16:12, Mark 8:1-21

My sister invited me and my parents to join her in a Bible reading plan this year. The plan goes somewhat chronologically through the Bible. There are 5 readings per week, allowing for missed days or breaks. If you wish to join along, here's the reading plan: If anyone is active in chat, I'll respond to messages between chapters or sections of reading. At the end I'll share a short vlog report if anything new is going on.
Take a Peak 68

After passing through a clearing I climbed up an outcropping of smooth boulders to get a view of the distant misty, tree-covered valley.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
SuperBoulder Sunday

As usual, I had no idea today was SuperBowl Sunday, so I went to explore some boulders instead.
Take a Peak 67

A very short arcing lava crater similar to those that came before. While walking along I rant about how horrible Samsung cameras' color science is.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 66

Starting where I left off in the previous TAP, I walked to the next lava crater rim nearby. This one didn't have as many crazy geologic shapes, but there was a super nice view. I walked to each end of a crescent or horseshoe-shaped ridge. I was surprised and pleased that the fog still hung around. Normally I would prefer a clear and distant view, but the fog was new and different.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 65

From the contour map I assumed this bump would resemble the last one. To my surprise there were crazy cool lava features to climb before reaching the marked contours. My favorite feature was the lava tube or shaft going straight into the ground. Because it was so dark in the tube, its height might not be apparent. I believe it was about 10 feet to the floor. I decided not to climb down since I didn't have any rope or assurance I could get back up.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 64

The fog was rolling through as I visited a small volcanic crater covered with a ridge of lava rocks. First of several surprise adventures, this day blew me away because I wasn't expecting anything of great interest. This will be the first video where I maintain two renditions - full 360° and flat. The 360 version can be found on, while the flat version will release on all other platforms where I have a presence. While I think I prefer the flat version for accessibility, I wanted at least one platform to present the more immersive 360 option. DeoVR currently maintains the best resolution and quality for the 360 or VR format.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 63

The same lava flow from TAP #61 stops near the butte I explored in TAP #62. It was worth the few minutes to climb the side of the lava boulders to get a distant view of mountains against blue sky and wild cloud textures.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Affinity Photo, Audacity
Take a Peak 62

And now for something completely different. There is too much to talk about here. I have discovered a new way to present 360 video. I hope you like it. It looks far better in my opinion, and it doesn't require you to drag the camera around to see every angle like before. I also experimented with speeding up long sections of the hike. This allowed a 43 minute video to cut down to 25 minutes, but without cutting out any hiking footage. In addition, I changed the presentation for the overlay of photos taken during the hike. This ATV trail is insanely steep, so a heavy breather! I wish I could go back and reformat all my TAP videos to this new format. At least new videos will have this new look.
Camera: Insta360 One R
Microphone: Sony PCM-M10
Software: Shotcut, FFMPEG, DaVinci Resolve, Capture One, Affinity Photo, Audacity
First Person Shooter, With a Camera

It's been ages since I've been on a hike. I'm going to a place where I haven't tested the signal, so I might not even be able to stream there. Either way, I'll enjoy the adventure. Hopefully it's not too smoky. If conditions are right, I might do two hikes.
Big Top Mee-Wee's Big Adventure

I am the Mee. You and Mee are the Wee. Oui? Come join mee on a big adventure to the top of a wee mountain. I wish I could livestream the entire hike, up and down, but the signal is probably only good near the top. I'll check the signal on the way up and start as soon as it seems good enough. Hopefully all my tech works today. I'll try my $4.XX wireless mic again today. First time using it on a hike, hopefully it doesn't let me down. I've been kind of in a mental funk the last few days and have slept in very late after staying up super late. I'll basically stay up all night before this hike in order not to miss the opportunity to get out. So I'll be pretty tired!
Man Burning IRL

I'm burning man, not because I know what that festival is about - nope, I have no clue! I'm not hot, as in attractive - nope, I'm old, dumb and ugly. Rather, it's all about the weather. Where I'm at, it's predicted to reach almost 100°F today. Yikes, this man is burning! Sounds like a great day for a hike! I did say I'm dumb, after all. Hopefully my experiments in the previous stream pay off. At least I know a few things that almost for certain won't work, so I'll skip those options. I'll probably use the dual VDO.Ninja setup, as that seems to work best. However, I might also experiment with my 360 camera. Ironically, I meant to try that in the previous stream but forgot. So I guess I'll try it out on the field. Hopefully it's not a total F, but a W.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
To Hot for IRL

Getting a late start as usual on a ride & hike. It's pretty hot outside, so I'll be a bit sluggish. If there is a cell signal where I'm going I'll stream something there. Today marks my first stream on I literally learned of it minutes before heading out and hastily set it up for restream, no idea if it'll work. Maybe I'll just sit and write if no one joins me. The last two passages on my mind have been Jeremiah 17 and the book of Titus. No reason in particular. Maybe random, maybe something the Spirit wants to say to those who have ears. Hopefully I'm listening. Speaking of listening, featuring retro video game music from the 16-bit era.
Turned out being a massive botch/scuff/fail/experiment stream. Audio wasn't working at all for the longest time. So I made it a chance to play around with various setups. I think I should go back to using my second phone as the audio source. My wrist strap broke. My wireless mic isn't working. Nothing works. Story of my life.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Lincoln City Waves

I took a walk along the beach near Lincoln City while on vacation with family. This is just a few seconds of waves.
2023-07-06 River Hike With Mom

Mom and I went on a short hike along a river. It was super scenic as all the flowers were in bloom, and various insects and critters were visible. Lots of butterflies, moths and bees were out pollinating. The water was super clear, and the ripples were hypnotic. Many downed trees filled the river, and flowers grew on them.
This was not my normal livestreamed content, but prerecorded on my Samsung S23 Ultra. The video is raw and unedited, except to trim camera shake at end of each clip and combining clips together in the same order as they occurred.
Block Walker

Summer in the city. Or is it spring? No idea. One of those seasons. Should be nice. There is no plan on exactly where I'll go or what I'll do. I might eat dinner at somewhere - like Chipotle. Well, plans never come to gether for this chap. Chipotle was closed, and it took FAR TOO LONG to get there. Walk ended up being around 10.6 miles. All the restaurants were closed, so I called Mom to pick me up. I encountered a ton of odd signal, camera and audio problems - as usual! It seems every possible IRL streaming complication gathers to me like a magnet! There might be a few seconds of clear streaming in with all the scuffed junk. I'll do what I do with all my stream replays - leave as is, unedited, junk and all. A couple people understood I was a live streamer and called out - rare. Was a fun day chatting with friends. No idea how the time flew so fast though! Must have stepped through a time portal.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Daft Taft Craft

Several family members are going for a beach walk this morning. I'll record at least part of the journey. Other than having fun and spending time with family, my goal is to collect some cool sand at the south end of the walk. I didn't get nearly enough last time I was here. I fiddled with Social Stream and IRL Pro, and I believe the settings for my chat overlay should look and function more to my liking. The sunset photo is from a walk I took last night.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
You Should Be Able to Defeat Him Now

The beach. Because my weak brain can't handle the crowd. I wasn't planning to stream much while here. But now that I took the time to set things up, I figured I might as well go for it. Going direct via phone, gimbal & RTMP instead of My old laptop essentially has no GPU, so I couldn't use it to stream from.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Jubilant Fields

Complications beyond number! After a grueling uphill slog I reached my first destination. There was zero signal for streaming there, so after hanging out for a while I targeted a second high place. The second place had a great signal. However, my normal and somewhat complicated multi-streaming setup wasn't working - like not at all. After a couple hours messing with settings to no avail, I opted to do a DLive exclusive stream. A while back they finally added a feature I had wanted for ages back when I streamed exclusively on DLIve - streaming directly from their app. I told myself I would try it out someday, and it came to mind after my technical difficulties. The app is pretty nice for a platform specific app. Very basic, but it shows chat and all the information I might want to see. The bitrate was surprisingly low, but that's because it streams at no higher resolution than 720P. The mosquitoes were awful today. The title is taken from Psalm 96 which I read on stream.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Rocky VII

Today I'll head out to some places I've been before to climb some rocks and enjoy the view. If the signal is strong enough I'll stream once or twice. Hopefully I get the audio right this time. IRL is rough! For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
The Longest Ride

Not sure I have the energy to make this crazy long bike ride to get to my intended destination. I also don't know if there will be a signal when I arrive. If I make it, and there is a signal, I'll try to livestream part of my hiking adventure. I'll either experiment streaming with my 360° camera, or my regular method if that doesn't work. As usual, I had all sorts of technical difficulties, but I'm really glad I went on the adventure. For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
The Mountains Melt Like Wax

Yay, let's contend with mosquitoes for the sake of natural beauty. I'll climb to a volcanic cinder pit and hang out for a while. People sometimes come here to shoot guns, so no guarantee I'll stay long, depending on if anyone else is there. As usual I had audio difficulties while experimenting with an external mic, so some parts of the video are muted. For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Random Exploration Scuff Stream

The external mic I used last stream is better than my wireless mic, but not 100% fantastic. It's all I have right now though, so I'll use it again today. I did discover the bitrate might have been crap, so *maybe* the new configuration will sound a tad better. My new gimbal might make the video less earthquake-like as well. I'll treck around a bit in somewhat unknown territory, with my bike closeby. The stream might come and go depending on cell coverage and rock/tree disruption. Maybe I'll do a few short streams at various locations, in which case my stream might either start/stop a few times, or I might have long BRB screens. I'll try to keep my video game music going in those breaks if I choose to run the stream that scuffed way. For those on Rumble and Odysee.... there will be a VERY LONG wait time for the stream to start, 🕥 so don't wait around for me.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
The Hills are Alive

Searching for blue points on the map, where no Mayan has gone before. I have a few new IRL gadgets to play with. I'll try using the external microphone I used to record songs in the past. If that doesn't work I'll use the normal setup. I bought some cables that will hopefully allow me to charge my phone while capturing audio simultaneously. I'll test them for the first time on the field. Maybe nothing will work. As usual, stream quality is reliant on unpredictable cell signal availability. I found an unexpected destination, a long wall of boulders. One hangout spot was particularly awesome, so I perched my chair there instead of exploring additional high points. I'll later upload a long-form 360° video to Youtube that shows more of the rock wall exploration. I'll post a link in the comments once it is posted.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
Duke of IRL

April is over, so I can no longer count for AprIRLs. Instead I'll assume the title of Duke of IRL. No association with Gene Chandler or G.I. Joe, at least that I'm aware of. I don't know if I'll find a signal strong enough for a livestream, but I'll give it a shot. Might be the last IRL stream for a few days, as rain is in the forecast.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
AprIRL #55

Another April outdoor adventure. This time I'll be climbing a few rocks and making my way up a steep butte to catch some views before sunset. If there's no one in chat I'll do some writing, otherwise I'll enjoy random conversation while I'm out and about. For those on Rumble and Odysee.... there will be a VERY LONG wait time for the stream to start, maybe over an hour. In fact, if I get on location and there is no signal, I'll not stream at all. I won't know until I get there and do a speed test. 🤷♀️ So don't wait around for me.
Channel Rules for Live Stream Chat
This is a family friendly channel.
❌ No excessive cursing or raunchy jokes
❌ No controversial or leading, hot-topic questions & statements that derail the stream
❌ No doxxing
❌ No verbal insults or negative talk about other streamers, viewers or people groups
❌ No follow-for-follow, begging for support
✔️ Follow platform terms of service
✔️ Please speak English during live streams since it's the only language I know
I'll try to give fair warning about rules and will delete spam or inappropriate comments first. Those who insist on offensive or abusive language will probably earn a mute/ban. 🤷
AprIRL #54

Another April outdoor adventure. This time I'll be climbing a few rocks and making my way up a steep butte to catch some views before sunset. If there's no one in chat I'll do some writing, otherwise I'll enjoy random conversation while I'm out and about. For those on Rumble and Odysee.... there will be a VERY LONG wait time for the stream to start, maybe over an hour. For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
AprIRL #53

Unfortunately I was grounded for most of the month, so I wasn't able to do a bunch of IRL streams. Never too late to start though. Back in 2021, when most people were afraid, locked in their homes, I was out hiking more than ever. I did 52 IRL streams that April. Today I'll continue that tradition. This year I won't break my record of 52 streams, since there are only a few days left in April. For today's outing I am hanging out at one of my favorite high points, will write for a bit, and enjoy the scenery. No idea if the signal will hold up or if chat will function properly, but I'll give it an honest effort. For those on Rumble and Odysee.... there will be a VERY LONG wait time for the stream to start, so maybe don't stick around unless you actually see me live. I had to get set up before heading out because it's impossible to multi-stream properly without setting things up beforehand.
This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.
A Mountaintop Experience
Streamed on:
This is a favorite hike of mine. It's probably the most scenic place I have ever been. It's a long drive to get there, so I got up ridiculously early to get there and still have time to complete the hike. I have done no preparation or training hikes this year, so I'll be taking it very slow. If I'm unable to make it to the top, hopefully I can at least make it high enough to see some beautiful scenery. If there is a signal somewhere on the route, I'll share the experience with anyone who drops by.
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