"Waiting For The Wind", Christene Jackman, messianic music, The Exodus

6 months ago

Christene Jackman ©&(p) 4.6.2011 (9 Nisan, 5771), BMI# 14285018

Inspiration: The Exodus, trapped by the Yam Suf, Psalm 118:28. Written after hearing bad news.

I hear the rumble of chariot wheels / Sea spray and tears drench my face
I cannot go back or move ahead / ADONAI, Mashiach (Messiah), make haste!
Toes in the sand / I make my stand / Waiting for the Wind to blow
LORD, raise the Rod / part the waves / So that Your enemies may know

CHORUS: Numbers 10:35
KOO-ma ADONAI, ve-ya-FOO-tzoo oy-VEH-cha
("Rise up, LORD, and let your enemies be scattered)

ve-ya-NOO-soh meh-san-EH-cha mi-pa-NEH-cha! KOO-ma ADONAI!
(and let them who hate You flee before You.”) Rise up, LORD!

Eli atah veodecha / Eli atah veodecha
(“You are my God / and I will praise You.” Psalm 118:28a)
My eyes are upon only You
For You are my God / Eli atah

I sense the stirring of Ruach, of Breath / Sand flies as chariot wheels drum
But Love whispers move my hair, my heart swells within / My Savior, El Gibbor (Mighty God) has come

CHORUS: Numbers 10:35
KOO-ma ADONAI, ve-ya-FOO-tzoo oy-VEH-cha
("Rise up, LORD, and let your enemies be scattered)

ve-ya-NOO-soh meh-san-EH-cha mi-pa-NEH-cha! KOO-ma ADONAI!
(and let them who hate You flee before You.”) Rise up, LORD!

Eli atah veodecha / Eli atah veodecha
(“You are my God / and I will praise You.” Psalm 118:28a)
My eyes are upon only You

For You are my God / Eli atah

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