3. #LastWord : Always (Poetry)

2 months ago

10:55 PM
July 11, 2024
Springfield, MA

3. #LastWord : Always

“Do you love me?”


She responded
Without hesitation.

Looking back,
I wish she had
Thought a bit
And responded,

“In all ways.”

As in even on my bad days
When I’m withdrawn
And have very little to say …

When my anxiety has reached
An unspeakable level
And I’m weighing thoughts given
By God and the devil …

Always …

No …

In all ways.

This evening, I had dinner
With my sister and my cousin
And I explained the difference
Between a mermaid and a siren …

Sirens sing on rocks
And you’ll find yourself
Quickly drowning
Once you’re successfully
Drawn in …

Mermaids are usually non-threatening
And may save you
Once you’re in the ocean depths
But you wouldn’t feel
A siren’s knife sinking in your back
Until it has reached its depth …

Hold your breath …

I’ll bring you deeper.

“Dearest, I prayed this would last forever
This happy and interesting life …”

She whispers melodically
As she swiftly sharpens her knife …

So, when you ask me
When I wish to be married
I’ll hand the ring
To one who loves me
In all ways
And doesn’t just tempt me
When she sings …

— K.S. Fort

#lastword #poetry #poem #inspire #motivate #love #compassion #empathy #betrayal #poet

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