No Age Ontology - Manifestation without interruption

7 months ago

The Principle of Rhythm and Cyclicity reveals that everything in the physical, mental and spiritual plane of existence within time expresses itself in rhythm from action to reaction, from activity to inactivity with a ‘to and from’ movement, an inflow and an outflow, a swing forward and backward, an advance and a retreat, a rising and a sinking, a giving and a receiving. The very essence of the Play of Reality itself is an eternal spontaneous outpouring and an in-drawing of energy and manifestation appearing and dissolving without interruption and ‘ad infinitum’. This rhythmic motion is not necessarily always in a straight line; in fact it is usually in cycles. Cyclicity is only a more complex form of rhythm and is dependent on it. Ultimately, after fully Awakening to the Pure Ground of Timeless Enlightenment, the Principle of Rhythm is expressed in the activities of a fully Awakened One, emanating for the benefit of sentient beings (without ever leaving the Knowledge of the Timeless Ground of Being) and returning back to the Ground source of Pure Being of mere potentiality in a ceaseless play of dissolution and expansion beyond divisive dualities.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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