CHONENI ELOHIM (Be Gracious to me, O God), Christene Jackman, Messianic Music

7 months ago

CHONENI ELOHIM (Be Gracious to me, O God)
A Cry of Repentance, Based on Psalm 51:3-4, 11-12, 14, 17
Christene Jackman, (c) Elul 5771, September 2011

Are you struggling with sin and ready to shuv--return to God and repent (stop sinning)? This song is for you.

The lyrics of Choneni Elohim are taken directly from Psalm 51 and sung in Biblical Hebrew. Psalm 51 contains the words of King David that he wrote after his sins of adultery with Bathsheba and complicity in the murder of her husband.

As I was trying to find the melody and chords that would reflect his state of mind so many centuries ago, I thought of how David had a such a tender heart towards God. When he came to himself through the mirror of Nathan the prophet, he would have been devastated. He had betrayed his King, his Elohim, his Faithful One, the Holy One of Israel. In my mind's eye, I can see him weeping, heart-broken on the cold stone floor.

Then I thought of my own horrible sins. And the melody came.

"Choneni Elohim, choneni!"
A broken and contrite heart You will not despise.
Todah rabbah, Abba. Todah rabbah, Yeshua, my Tzaddik, Who took my avonot (consequences for iniquities)--the curses of the Torah I deserved--upon Himself.

"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." +Yeshua
Yochannen/John 15:13

Dust off The Book. Read it. Do it.
Walk in His Ways out of love and gratitude.

CHONENI ELOHIM (Be Gracious to me, O God)
Music by: Christene Jackman, (c)&(p) September 3, 2011 (Elul 5771). BMI# 14284998.
Words by: Psalm 51:3-4, 11-12, 14, 17

cHo-NEH-ni, Elohim ~ cHo-NEH-ni, Elohim
(Vs 3 Be gracious to me, O God ~ Be gracious to me, O God)

ke-cHas-DEH- cha ~ ke-cHas-DEH- cha
(according to your loving kindness ~ according to your loving kindness)

ke-ROV ra-cHa-MEH-cha meh-cHEY feh-sha-AI
(according to the multitude of your mercies blot out my transgressions)
cHo-NEH-ni, Elohim
(Be gracious to me, O God)

Lev ta-HOR be-RA—li Elohim ~ Lev ta-HOR be-RA—li
(Vs 12 Create in me a clean heart, O God ~ Create in me a clean heart)

ve-ROO-ach na-CHON cHa-DESH beh-kir-BI
(and renew a constant spirit inside me)

Ha-SHIva li s'SONE yish-EH-cha ~ Ha-SHIva li s'SONE
(Vs 14 Restore to me the joy of your salvation ~ Restore to me the joy)

ve-ROO-ach n'di-VAH tis-meh-CHAY-ni
(and uphold me with a willing spirit)

Ado - nai, s'fa-TAI tif-TACH; oo-FI ya-GID te-HI-la-TEH-cha
(Vs 17 O Lord, open you my lips; and my mouth shall declare your praise)

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