MZTV 1514: The Smartest Audience on YouTube Speaks Out Against Spiritual Tyranny

7 months ago

Today I’m going to prove what I’ve been saying for a long time, that you are the smartest audience on YouTube. Today I am sharing your comments from Tuesday’s show, "MZTV 1513: This Old-Testament Prophet Guy MOCKS Our Happiness in Christ."

It turns out that you’re just as incensed as I am that someone would dare to repeat one of the most infamous first-century crimes in body-of-Christ history, that is, to attempt to infiltrate the body of Christ with works of flesh. We’ve seen this crime before; we weren’t having it then, and we’re not having it now.

It is important for you to know that you are a part of an entity so connected to its Head that, though it be separated by circumstance and continents, imbibes of the same spirit: Christ.

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