Romans - Chapter 4 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}

8 months ago

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Hello, and welcome to "DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATION"
Enjoy reading God's word with spoken word and text. Red Letter Edition.
God is in control, always and forever. AMEN!

Romans - Chapter 4 Summary:

Romans chapter 4 uses the example of Abraham to illustrate that righteousness comes through faith, not through works or adherence to the Law. Paul explains that Abraham was justified by his faith in God, even before he was circumcised, making him the father of all who believe, both Jews and Gentiles. Paul emphasizes that it was Abraham's belief in God's promises that was credited to him as righteousness. He extends this principle to all believers, stating that righteousness is also credited to us through faith in Jesus Christ, who was delivered over to death for our sins and raised to life for our justification. This chapter underscores the idea that faith, rather than works or legalistic observance, is the basis for being declared righteous before God.

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