Ephesians - Chapter 1 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}

2 months ago

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Hello, and welcome to "DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATION"
Enjoy reading God's word with spoken word and text. Red Letter Edition.
God is in control, always and forever. AMEN!

Ephesians - Chapter 1 Summary:

Ephesians chapter 1 begins with Paul’s greeting to the believers in Ephesus, followed by a profound praise of God’s blessings in Christ. Paul emphasizes that God has chosen believers before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless, predestining them for adoption as His children through Jesus Christ. He speaks of redemption through Christ’s blood, the forgiveness of sins, and the riches of God’s grace lavished upon them. Paul highlights the mystery of God’s will, revealed in Christ, to unite all things in heaven and earth. He also reassures believers of their inheritance, guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, who seals them as God’s possession. The chapter concludes with a prayer for the Ephesian believers to grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of God’s power, which is demonstrated through the resurrection and exaltation of Christ, the head over all things for the Church.

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