Graham: Biden, Trump and All Future Presidential Nominees Should Have ‘Neurological Exams’

2 months ago

What’s the view from Senate Republicans and especially from former President Trump about what’s happening across the aisle.
They, most of us are concerned of the national security implications of this debate about president binds help Bernie Sanders problem with by disease, not liberal enough. Seventy percent of the public believes have president binds not mentally and physically capable of being pros that seventy percent of people believe the nation’s on the wrong track. Most Democrats are worried about buying winning the election. I’m worried about biting Biden, be in the commander in chief for the next four months, we’re having a meeting when NATO in Washington next week on October. Seventh, Israel’s attack by Hamas on October, the eight present Biden, gives an interview to the special counsel where they determined him to be a nice man with a bad memory, and you couldn’t convince a jury. He did anything wrong. I want those tapes release, so what I’ve like to see is present buying take a cognitive test. I think everybody going forward in the line of succession should should hammer prozac trying to take.
As well regular basis. Yes,
Yes, I think both all nominees for president going to the future should have neurological exam is part of a overall physical exam. I think people in the line of succession should have a neurological exam. My predecessor center thurman was a very vigorous man, but he was one hundred. He was to speaker pro tip of the Senate. This is a wakeup call for the country. We need to make sure that the people who are going to be in the line of succession are capable of being commander in chief under dire circumstances. Here’s what I worry about that? Our allies see a compromise, Joe Biden, that our enemies see a compromise, Joe Biden and I’m offended by the idea that he shouldn’t take a competency test. Given all the evidence in front of us, he is not only in denial. This is a dangerous time for the American people to have somebody at the ship leading the ship of state who seems to be compromised so at a minimum, take a competency, exam speaking of President Biden and Trump

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