BBQ Ribs Using FANTASTIC New (Lard Infusion) Method

7 months ago

This new method of BBQing pork ribs has completely changed the way I cook them. OUT is the hit and miss (mostly miss) 3-2-1 method and IN is the very reliable lard infusion method which I discovered from watching the Mad Scientist BBQ (video link below). Basically, while you BBQ your ribs you also have an aluminum pan with lard next to the ribs which absorbs the smoke. As the Mad Scientist BBQ Guy explains the meat won't absorb some of the smoke but the melted lard will so towards the end of your cooking you cover the ribs with the smoke infused lard, wrap them in butcher paper, and cook for the final half hour. This accomplishes two things: keeps your ribs moist from the fat of the melted lard plus infuses the smoke absorbed by the lard into your ribs.

The big difference between me and the Mad Scientist BBQ is my Weber Kettle Grill space is much more limited than his much larger setup so I used my rib rack. A week ago I tried it using just one rack of ribs and it worked out perfect. Although I couldn't get the exact temperatures as the Mad Scientist BBQ guy, I came close and since most of the time my cooking temperature was about 25 degrees higher than his 4-hour temperature of 225 degrees, I was able to finish about a half hour quicker when my remote thermometer showed my ribs hit an internal temperature of 195 degrees.

On the Fourth of July I did it again but this time I used two racks of ribs which, as you can see, really crowded my rib rack. It also ended up working out great. I showed you enough so you can see the Mad Scientist BBQ method also works on a Weber Kettle Grill. I couldn't show you until the end because while cooking the ribs I started drinking heavily on my Knock-Knock Margaritas because some in-law guests were getting on my nerves and I became a bit too incoherent to make any sense explaining everything.

The good news is that even if you are drunk and annoyed at relatives while using a crowded Weber grill you can still accomplish great rib results which I learned from the Mad Scientist BBQ Guy.

Mad Scientist BBQ: How to Smoke Pork Ribs

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