Meghan Markle Netflix Trailer With Commentary by President Trump

2 days ago

Who told Netflix it was a good idea to do a show about Meghan Markle who is almost universally hated for her over the top narcissism and extreme phoniness? A look at the new Netflix trailer reveals that the show is already doomed in the ratings. However, there is a possibility for saving the show by rebranding (Meghan loves "branding") it as a comedy show by adding commentary by President Trump. Therefore here is the Netflix trailer with commentary by President Trump. It seems to work... as comedy. Hey, I might even watch it for the comedic value but only if Netflix takes this suggestion. Otherwise, I'll avoid watching the show in order to avoid being subjected to the unalloyed toxicity of Meghan. Poor Harry!

Oh, and in the trailer, notice that Meghan is just fiddling around with the food while Chef Roy Choi is doing actual meal prep.

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