TheDimNews LIVE: Happy Independence Day! | Rest in Peace, Morey Amsterduck

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


A toast in remembrance of the pets who loved us; a warm reflection of our love for them. 🍷

thrasybulus Funny to have a pet in memorium show tonight. Was just talking to my buddy yesterday. He had to put down his 18 yr old cat Monday.

RonGreen1 The Dim News. Where facts matter. Endorsed by Joe Friday.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Waaaiting on Alex!

RonGreen1 Those lovely ladies are late, again.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hello

thrasybulus @AlexNeedsToLearnTimeManagement causing delays again.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow I figured an almost 10 minute buffer would be plenty.

thrasybulus Celebrating independence in the month named for the guy who overthrew the Roman Republic.

thrasybulus Furry headboard.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly throwing Alex under the bus

RonGreen1 Joe Biden got headstomped

thrasybulus Julius/July and Augustus/August screw up the rest of the months. Many are literal numbers now out of order.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening ladies. Gents.

thrasybulus Mulan. An early example of the ChiCom corruption of Disney.
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh boy...

RonGreen1 Beverly needs a faster car.

RonGreen1 Instead of going to the vet, Beverly should be driving one.

thrasybulus Cartographers are map makers. Purpose on archelogical dig?

thrasybulus Abandon pack animal to die without you...

RonGreen1 Dogs are a man's best friend, unless you find a woman that can cook.

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Then it's 1 and 1A lol

thrasybulus Here I thought our first act towards civilization was figuring out how to start fire on our own.

thrasybulus @HopefullyAOnceAndFutureChiRaqSurvivor Good luck.

RonGreen1 A Corvette. A Vette.

thrasybulus Haven't baboons actually abducted/Stockholm Syndromed dogs into being their early warning system?

thrasybulus I haven't been piched by a duck, but I have been pinched by a girl with duck lips.

JQuickDraw Supporter I've never been pinched by a crazy woman, but in high school a girl tried to lick my arm in class.

thrasybulus War: Logistics and terrain dictates the limitations.

thrasybulus Just cause your characters have three dragons, doesn't meant they and their dragons need food/water/sleep.

JQuickDraw Supporter All the rules CNN set in an effort to help Biden actually backfired and helped Trump. No audience and cutting the mic when it's not his turn kept Trump focused and less crazy.

thrasybulus Supposedly the empty room was to prevent Trump from playing off the audience.

JQuickDraw Supporter And without an audience and Trump's mic off, Biden was forced to use all his time uninterrupted, and his dementia was on full display.

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump actually said "...and I don't think he even knows what he said." lol

thrasybulus There was that one woman on CBS after saying how long can we tell people not to believe their own eyes with regards to his health.

thrasybulus It was just a cold he wasn't taking anything for, honest. - KJP

RonGreen1 Anyone that's had a parent or grandparent with dementia can recognize Biden's dementia.

thrasybulus Social Services receiving calls of a case of elder abuse at 1600 Pennsylvania AVE.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh wow, I liked that show, haven't thought about Warehouse 13 in a while.

thrasybulus How was Joe, with access to Hunter "finding crack is my superpower", not capable of being alert at night?

thrasybulus "If anyone knows about staying up all night, it's Hunter Biden." - Sky News Austrailia predebate
I was late to the stream and just got caught up. In the spirit of holding grudges, I'm voting Joe Biden specifically because you called me Qrust. Let's go Team Puppet! 🥳

JQuickDraw Supporter Now the latest news is that Biden is not listening to his aides or assistants, his son Hunter is sitting in on all meetings and advising Joe.

Qriist Supporter yeah it was like 10am-4pm

thrasybulus 10-1600.

Qriist Supporter 6 hour window of lucidity lol

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist lol you called Biden a puppet. It made me think of Jeff Dunham. Biden actually looks like one of Dunham's creations.

Qriist Supporter lol yup

Qriist Supporter @Beverly that part with Trump saying Biden doesn't know what he's saying is at the end of this clip

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, you're Asian. You have to vote for the most Marxist candidate in every election.

RonGreen1 Only President Beverly can save the country.👍

JQuickDraw Supporter And if anyone objects to President Beverly's decisions . . . flailing arms and face scratching until they agree.

RonGreen1 Beverly is not a real Asian, unless she has a rice cooker and a wooden spoon.😂

Qriist Supporter just tell 'em your eye is jacked up because Todd beats you. Way less embarassing than admitting accidental self mutilation

Qriist Supporter RFK is not a good candidate

thrasybulus Jill Stein, Cornell West, RFK

Qriist Supporter better than Biden, but still terribad

Qriist Supporter REPEAL THE 16TH AND 17TH

JQuickDraw Supporter Can we just repeal any agency with a 2-4 letter acronym?

thrasybulus Tofu is a four letter word.

Qriist Supporter I may or may not have been sperging in discord about the SCOTUS stuff lol

JQuickDraw Supporter "SCOTUS" sounds kinda like scrotum, and I am fond of my scrotum. Therefore I am fond of the SCOTUS.

RonGreen1 I yam what I yam. - Beverly

Qriist Supporter trolololol

thrasybulus Speaking of SCOTUS, saw something today. A program on George Washington's nephew, SC Justice Bushrod.

Qriist Supporter SCOTUS didn't "give" immunity. It's right there in the Consitution, lol.

RonGreen1 The Libertarian Party has gone full tranny left.

thrasybulus Fascism is left wing. Mussolini was a socialist who realized people didn't fight in WW1 with him for their social class.

Qriist Supporter @thrasybulus When I say "fascism is left wing" on Twitter I get mobbed by Antifa types. When I say it on Gab I get mobbed by Nazis. Really makes ya think.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist It means you're over the target.

thrasybulus Agency power reduced: Yay! Congress needs to define terms in law: Crap!

Qriist Supporter 😎

thrasybulus @Qriist Fascism is a form of socialism. Socialism is left wing.

Qriist Supporter well yeah

Qriist Supporter Eeeeeepa! EEEEEEE-pa! EEEEEEEEE-PAAAAAA!

Qriist Supporter -Abe Simpson

RonGreen1 The Dim News is the only real press.

Qriist Supporter "bribes are the devil"

Qriist Supporter noooo drain the swamp

JQuickDraw Supporter It's fascist to want to arm the populace and take power away from the federal government. 🤡

thrasybulus Americans suck at bribing officials, Clearly we need to up our corruption game.

Egerog hi

Egerog I just logged in what version of D&D

Qriist Supporter Beverly's ADHD is kicking in lol

Qriist Supporter @Egerog suuup

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly being all elitist, "6 steps to outline text????"

Egerog hi @Qriist

Egerog I have AD&DHD

JQuickDraw Supporter Jesus, this is painful.

JQuickDraw Supporter The dude on the right looks like, if you startle him he might leave his body and go to the light.

Qriist Supporter the john stewart clip alex is talking about

RonGreen1 Joe Biden is using a spray tan now, before appearing in public.

Qriist Supporter Beverly, if the bugs are defeating your AC you need to spend some gold on better armor.
OakPoke Supporter+ You ladies are just picking on poor biden because he's white. He's the most articulate president ever! His son is a total class act as well!

RonGreen1 Biden is not white any longer. He's orange now.

Qriist Supporter The Nazis do their best to convince me they are super duper ultra mega right wing

JQuickDraw Supporter I remember Biden in the general election already being worse than that primary clip. I wonder if he got an early variant of covid?
OakPoke Supporter+ most view the nazi movement as a right wing movement against the communist movement. They were "country bumpkins" to start out anyway...many moderate positions, a nationalist movement against the
OakPoke Supporter+ internationalists
OakPoke Supporter+ Whatever @Alex is drinking, it looks good.

thrasybulus Biden goes to the light. Turns out to be the fires of hell.
OakPoke Supporter+ I love my white power flour tbh...I might deport white sauce pizza, along with pineapple pizza

Qriist Supporter yep, don't think most are legit Nazis.

JQuickDraw Supporter Pineapple pizza is just wrong.

JQuickDraw Supporter I mean, what's next? Mango lasagna?

thrasybulus @HoboEater US Supreme Court Justice Bushrod Washington life and work.

Qriist Supporter got a mascot for yuour white power pizza
OakPoke Supporter+ There was a website called tshirthell, and it had a white flour shirt i thought looked cool
OakPoke Supporter+ I got a political tshirt off the website once...

Egerog Did you see the D&D 6E art
OakPoke Supporter+ Hitler was a vegetarian with serious stomach issues...maybe all the grains...could also be all the stress he was under.

Egerog Bev Follows the Non Aggressions Principle even in games
OakPoke Supporter+ @Egerog I tried doing that playing GTA5...they don't let ya do that...

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke could have also been the cocaine

Egerog it worked For me In Syrim

thrasybulus Need sleep. Night.

Qriist Supporter night @thrasybulus

Egerog What it the chicken poster behind you
OakPoke Supporter+ t-shirt hello was or is great lol.

msrajputt hello buddy what's up

msrajputt good morning from india 🇮🇳
OakPoke Supporter+
OakPoke Supporter+ Indians tend to be pretty big "funny mustache guy" fans

JQuickDraw Supporter You should have to roll for initiative to drink a potion. Then roll for success. You might spill it on your shirt.

Egerog The new D&D art made the Orcs Mexican and the Dwarves Gay. everyone knows it should be the other way round

JQuickDraw Supporter Because of the dwarves' spicy food?

Qriist Supporter the dildo was san andreas

Egerog Yah and i picture dwarves working on their low ridders

JQuickDraw Supporter I could see people writing a LOT of gay orc fanfic.

Egerog exactly
OakPoke Supporter+ Those Biden supporters are the real transphobes...

JQuickDraw Supporter This chat is radioactive lol. Mexican dwarves and gay orcs and dildos.

Egerog Also show the dwarves brining his boyfriend cookies

JQuickDraw Supporter Speeding through the twats. It sounds like an unpuclished Hunter S Thompson book.

JQuickDraw Supporter What's that phrase again? Oh right - Innocent until proven guilty.

Qriist Supporter This guy would have 100% been convicted if they went to trial. That's not the point. No conviction, no stripping of rights.

JQuickDraw Supporter If I can't lacerate my face on a woman's tits, what's the point?

Qriist Supporter chodehawk

JQuickDraw Supporter The new orcs look like dandy banditos.
OakPoke Supporter+ Airship down
OakPoke Supporter+ Hitler seemed pretty likeable.
OakPoke Supporter+ Dash. What a communist faggot

RonGreen1 Who is paying less for anything since Biden became president? 🤣

RonGreen1 The Beverly economy is thriving.

RonGreen1 Do you have those big banana slugs Beverly?

Qriist Supporter no WOTC is VERY openly lefty.

Qriist Supporter topical video about bread:

JQuickDraw Supporter Such a retarded argument. If she was white in a majority white country, she'd be more popular. Welcome to earth, genius.

JQuickDraw Supporter I've come to the conclusion that we need to protect Ben Shapiro. He's somehow quantumly entangled with Destiny, two sides of the same coin. If one of them is taken out, the universe might end.
OakPoke Supporter+ destiny and Shapiro lol, vomit

JQuickDraw Supporter Correlation is not causation, but strong correlation obligates further investigation.

RonGreen1 I hear you Alex. Needles make me feel nauseated

JQuickDraw Supporter I've come to the conclusion that Newsom will not accept the nomination this go round. He will learn a lesson from DeSantis and wait out this year's shitshow.

RonGreen1 Unicorns and rainbows. - President Beverly

Qriist Supporter play the bread video, it's very female

JQuickDraw Supporter Candidate shows up for interview to be an intern for President Beverly. "I've always been interested in politics!" "Yes, that's nice. Can you eat 3 lbs of strawberries in 1 hour?" "......"

Qriist Supporter sweet dreams of insurrection

RonGreen1 Gnite lovely ladies 👋

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy rebellion day

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Overthrow the Current Government Day

Qriist Supporter MURICA

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

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