UH OH! Number Of Dems Who Want Biden To Step Aside Is Growing FAST

8 months ago

Posted • July 3, 2024: Everybody's well aware of what's been happening at the White House with the President Biden situation. Meanwhile Donald Trump's been playing it a little lower key for good reason: This is the quietest that Donald Trump has been perhaps in his entire life. 😂 Never interrupt your enemy when he is imploding. Bingo! The Dems/media can no longer pretend everything is normal, even though they tried to hide it for as long as possible. The New York Post put it this way: Brutal cover from The New York Post: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRj3VriXEAA50WH?format=jpg&name=medium -- Yesterday we told you that Texas Democrat Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on the president to withdraw from the race and give up his reelection bid. The number of Dems saying Biden should step aside seems to be growing fast. That's according to Reuters:

“But Biden is under pressure. Some donors have called for him to step aside, and other Democrats are worrying openly that he is not equipped to beat Trump in November. There are 25 Democrat members of the House of Representatives preparing to call for Biden to step aside if he seems shaky in coming days, according to one House Democrat aide. A second House Democrat aide said moderate House Democrats in competitive districts - often called "frontliners" - were getting hammered with questions in their districts this week.” -- These Democrats know that their jobs are at stake by keeping Biden on the ballot. -- Twenty-five House Democrats reportedly preparing to call for Biden to end re-election effort: ‘The dam has broken.’ -- Those Dems might want to run all this by Joe's wife first. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - UH OH! Number of Dems Who Want Biden to Step Aside Is Growing FAST
RedState: Gotta Love It: Trump Takes Unusual Approach to Dem Implosion Over Biden, and It's Driving the MSM Nuts
Reuters: Biden faces growing doubts from Democrats about his 2024 re-election
New York Post: Twenty-five House Democrats reportedly preparing to call for Biden to end re-election effort: ‘The dam has broken’

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