Barbara Lee: Kamala Harris Is ‘Prepared,’ ‘She’s Been Our Vice President’

3 months ago

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who represents California and she was the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus to endorse Kamala Harris when she ran for president in 2019 congresswoman, thank you so much for joining me this evening. It‘s good to see you thank you. You‘re your colleague congressman Jim Clyburn. He was asked a series of hypotheticals and in response, he said that he would back vice president Harris if she were to replace, but would you want to say vice president Harris now at the top of that ticket learn, first, say, I am supporting the Biden Harris ticket and will continue to support them. They have done phenomenal work for this country. They took us away and out of this horrific pandemic, they‘ve created wrecking number of jobs. They created an environment now in our country where young people, especially can move forward when you‘re looking at student loan debt forgiveness. And sorry, I‘m supporting the ticking and we‘ll continue to do that. Again. As I said, a couple of days ago, you can‘t sugar coat what took place at the debate. Everyone knows it was a terrible debate. Even the president acknowledged that it was not as best performance, but I‘m telling you this ticket, the Biden Harris ticket, one, they beat Donald Trump before. And if we do our work and if we take the work that they have done, and what they intend to do in terms of protecting our democracy, protecting a woman‘s right to reproductive freedom creating good paying jobs, reducing the cost of living. And we take this to the voters, then I‘m confident that the voters will vote for them so taking a work luck, there are, is work to be done to try to put that perhaps in the rear-view mirror for many voters who, for the first time we‘re seeing that rematch four years later why do you think there has been such a kind of panic surrounding the debate? Is it because people don‘t believe that it‘s a one-off well you know, people have been on edge. This debate. I mean, look at Donald Trump‘s performance. This man lied. One report where it was over 30 times. He‘s a convicted felon people are on edge. We know that our democracy has been threatened. We see the Supreme Court which was Donald Trump‘s the Pink green court, saying, now that the president is above the loss of pmo concerned. And one thing about this moment is that I think we have a teachable moment, a moment where we can talk about how to protect our democracy and what we have to do as voters to make sure that Democrats win the house, Senate, and the White House I certainly thank voters are leaning in with bated breath because there is always the risk that if all the things that they don‘t trust about the process seemed to be happening.
>> Everything everywhere, all at once. They might lean out and then the couch becomes another candidate. In the race. So there‘s always that concern. But there‘s so much chatter. Congresswoman about the prospect that discussion about whether Biden should remain in the race that people are already starting to think about what they support the vice president and her favorite bility is only at 29% I‘m wondering what you would say about her as a candidate if she were on the top of the ticket, do you would you support her well let me just talk about the chatter very quickly.
>> My Laura chatter is good. This is what our democracy is about. Finally, people are talking, people are clued in and I don‘t see that as a negative, the Democratic Party, Democrats will come together, unified out of the convention and move forward and do everything we can do to win. I know vice president Kamala Harris well, and like yes, you mentioned I was the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus, probably the first member of Congress to support or which he ran for president. I mean, she‘s, she‘s prepared, she‘s been our vice president who else? But we are confident that President Biden his decision is his decision, and if it‘s the Biden Harris ticket, then Democrats will round circle the wagons and support the Biden-era stick it and that‘s what we have to do. But I wouldn‘t always say because I know are well and I‘ve seen what she has done and I know what he would do in the future. And I did support her when she ran for president before, but that‘s not even the issue. The issue is winning and the issue is making sure Donald Trump does not win in November no congresswoman, even the way in which people will assess as you well know, as a black woman in politics, the way that a woman is assessed in politics and evaluated the way that black women are evaluated and assessed in politics.
>> There will be, and there is existing only eight different standard in terms of how she will be viewed. I‘ll be curious to see how the voters thank thank you so much or how well I know well hello acquire there you go three before that is true and will happen again is what everyone‘s tea leaf reading will be about congresswoman Barbara Lee always nice to talk to you.

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