Jean-Pierre Struggles to Explain How Biden Is Doing Great But Only Behind Closed Doors

8 months ago

Reporter: “You know — you know, 50 million plus Americans —“
Jean-Pierre: “Yeah.”
Reporter: “— saw the debate last Thursday. They get a very different story from you. You just described a very different sounding president. Obviously, other administration officials describe him very differently than what people saw. How do you reconcile those two versions of a president, one who appeared the way he did to millions of people and the other who appears always to be, you know, sort of very forceful and — and not have any of those —“ [crosstalk]
Jean-Pierre: “I mean — look, the president spoke to this. You heard me speak to this. We believe and others have said this, not just me, other folks who have been on networks, and also obviously, he’s spoken to all of you is, it was a 90-minute debate. It was a bad night. That’s what we believe it to be. We’re not taking away what people saw. We’re just not. That is — I want to be very clear about that. And, you know, we want to — to also make sure people understand that the president realizes, you know, I keep saying this over and over again, he said he’s not as young as he used to be, and he — he has — he has addressed this over and over and over again. But you saw him last night, right. You saw him last night. You saw him at these — at the rally. You saw him at the watch parties. There’s been many instances, State of the Union. You saw him take on — take on Republicans, by himself. And what was happening back and forth, in the State of the Union. There has been also many instances where the president has really showed his strength and resolute that all of you have seen and commented about it, you know. And so I think we cannot — we cannot forget that as well. And we also heard from, you know, President Obama, who’s — who himself has said, you know, his first debate wasn’t great. He talked about that. And most incumbents, their first debates aren’t great. And so look, we’re going to continue to build on the unprecedented record by continue to fight for the American people. That is our commitment and that’s what we’re going to continue to do you.”

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