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WorldWide Rally 1.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 20.03.21 - Rallying in the Pouring Rain

Spring Water Greg
The Worldwide Rally for Freedom 1.0 (WWR4F) comemorates the first time every city accross the world reached out to the other in Solidarity. This was the proof we were looking for that confirmed what was happenning in Athens, was also happening in Sydney, New York City and in every other city around the world. It was an incredible time when WWR4F was launched. The Sydney arm of the Rally was held at Hyde Park at the World Famous - A Stand in the Park, Stand Tree. Whilst we knew the beast of tyranny was much, much larger than many of us first thought it was. We were comforted by our Brothers and Sisters accross the world. Whilst the scamdemic is still peddling away in the background, the freedom community also developed greater amrmour than ever before. Thank you to everyone around the world for supporting the WWR4F in your local cities... we still have a very long way to go and we will wear THEM down as love always overcomes evil.
Now that the Freedom Community have held hands, the gripping bond will never ever become unstuck as the resiliance of the human soul is undisolvable.
Thank you to all the beautiful speakers and entertainers who made this inaugural Sydney arm of the WWR4F such a memorable success.
Refer to the Worldwide Rally Playlist under this Bitchute Channel for the full version of this rally.
Sydneysiders rallied in the Rain for Freedom in unity with over 90 cities across Australia and the World. This is the Full Version of all 5 Videos.
Part 1 - Alfred Cordwell (Traditional Acknowledgement to Country) - Brady Gunn (A Stand in the Park) - Milica Kiprovski (Outstanding Rendition of We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore) - Naomi Cook (Formal Nurse - Leader of Australians for Safe Technology) - Zev Freeman (Know Your Rights).
Part 2 - Anthony Kallouf (Australians vs the Agenda) - Thomas Dobson (Freedom Speech) - Doris Osman (Be Free with Dee).
Part 3 - Mark Mack (Raising the Roof with Another Prick in the Wall & We are the 99 percent) - Jeff King (Champion Boxer & Cage Fighter) - Tommy (Special Guest - Melbourne).
Part 4 - Catherine Martire-Wright (Power-Packed message for us all) - DJ (Our Body, Our Choice) - Daniel (Special Guest -Melbourne) - The General of the Save the World Army, Smokin Joe Mekhael – Warrior No. 1 (Joe brings the place down - We Have the POWER).
Part 5 - Milica Kiprovski (The best version ever of Your the Voice - an unofficial freedom anthem for Australia) - Brady Gunn (A Stand in the Park). Brady wraps up the formalities with a super empowering closing speech - As with any great gathering, the day concludes with Lawful Singing, Dancing, Chanting & Mingling which are our God Given Birthright and will never ever be taken away from the living men and women of this wonderful Planet.
Worldwide Rally for Freedom 2.0
...the story continued on Saturday 15.05.21 and what a great day it was for all.
Special Guest include:
- Brady Gunn (MC)
- Uncle Max
- Michael O'Neil (Informed Medical Options Party - IMOP)
- Mark Mack (No Satisfaction - Parody)
- Monica Smit (Reignite Democracy Australia - RDA)
- Mike Holt (Common Law)
- Yarraka Bayles & Anthony Mundine (Choc)
- Naomi Cook
- Milica Kiprovski (Uprising - They will Not Destroy Us - Parody)
- Craig Kelly (Federal Independent Member)
- Youssra Yatim (Millions Rise)
- Doris Ozman (Be Free with Dee)
- Morgan C. Jonas
- Sol Millin
- Amy Bryce
- Jarmmarley Willet
- Thomas Dobson
- Milica Kiprovski & Mark Mack (Your the Voice)
- Brady Gunn (Closing)
Worldwide Rally for Freedom 2.0. Saturday 15.05.21 in Hyde Park, Sydney Australia.
Watch the full version of Worldwide Rally for Freedom 2.0 via this BitChute Channel.
Don't forget to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 2.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 15.05.21 - Monica Smit - Mike Holt - Anthony Mundine

Spring Water Greg
This is a commemerative recap of the World Wide Rally 2.0 held in Sydney on Sat. 15.05.21. At a time when "some thing" was being awarded Female of the Year, the Freedom Community were Uprising in growing numbers. Refer also to the full length video's parts 1 & 2 of this rally via the Playlist on this Bitchute channel for the full un-edited speeches.
Following on from the huge Global Success of the Inaugral Worldwide Rally for Freedom 1.0, Sydneysiders once again United in Peace, Love & Unity with the rest of the world. The call for Freedom continues with Worldwide Rally for Freedom 2.0 and what a great day it was for all.
Guests Speakers as they appear in Part 1 - Brady Gunn (MC) - Uncle Max - Michael O'Neil (IMOP) - Mark Mack (No Satisfaction - Parody) - Monica Smit (Reignite Democracy Australia - RDA) - Mike Holt (Common Law) - Yarraka Bayles & Anthony Mundine (Choc) - Naomi Cook.
Guests Speakers Part 2 - Milica Kiprovski (Uprising) - Craig Kelly (Federal Independent Member) - Youssra Rose (Millions Rise) - Doris Ozman (Be Free with Dee) - Morgan C. Jonas - Sol Millin - Aimee Brice (Police for Freedom) - Jarmmarley Willet - Thomas Dobson - Milica Kiprovski & Mark Mack (Your the Voice) & Brady Gunn (Closing).
Watch the full versions of Worldwide Rally for Freedom 1.0 and 2.0 via the playlist of this BitChute Channel.
Don't forget to subscribe to Mark Mack's Awesome Bitchute Channel for Scamdemic Paradies & More:
Cultural Sensitivity Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, voices and videos of deceased persons. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts.
Don't forget to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
World Wide Rally 3.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 24.07.21

Spring Water Greg
World Wide Rally 3.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 24.07.21
Don't forget to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
World Wide Rally 5.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 20.11.21

Spring Water Greg
World Wide Rally 5.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 20.11.21
Don't forget to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
World Wide Rally 6.0 - Sydney (HIGHLIGHTS) - Sat. 22.01.22 Feat. Mebbingarri & More

Spring Water Greg
Click on the hashtag FreedomHighlights for more videos from this series - WorldWide Rally for Freedom - Strathfield Station to Burwood Park - This Rally was a celebration of the end of the clown show (in most parts) for the Sydney Freedom movement. Unfortunately, we still have some sectors who are still mandated to participate in the global experiment.
Full versions of all of these speeches are available on this bitchute channel. Click on the Hashtag #freedomhighlights for more worldwide rally highlight videos from this channel or otherwise check out the playlists I have created. This highlight video includes Brady Gunn (A Stand in the Park), Coach Joe (aka Smokin Joe Mekhael, the General of the Save the World Army), Michael O'Neill (iMOP), Cindy Roberts with Auntie Glenda Merrit, Marissa (The Young Conservative), Roland Chrystal (Cops for Truth), Michelle Palmer (iMOP), Aussie Cosskack (Film the Police), Craig Kelly, Stevan Chavoura (Historian), John Ruddich (Liberal Democrats), Damien Poulsen (The Evangilist) & Ricardo Bosi.
Don't forget to comment, like, share this video and to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 7.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 19.03.22 - Outside Kirribilli House

Spring Water Greg
FLASHBACK to the WorldWide Rally for Freedom 7.0 at Kirribilli House, Sydney - Feat. Christian Mack (#reclaimtheline), Dale Farmilo (Peacemakers Australia), Luke Hart (Australian Freedom Convoy), Val (Survior & Storyteller of the Lethal Injection), Aussie Donald Trump, Tony Camileri - Australian Firefighters Alliance (AFA), Alan Hasham (Our Voices Matter), Singh (Youth Freedom Ambassodor) & Jimmy Levy (American Musician).
Don't forget to comment, like, share this video and to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 8.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 14.05.22 #freedomhighlights

Spring Water Greg
WorldWide Rally for Freedom 8.0, Sydney - Special Edition - Sack them All. Feat. Christian Mack, Auntie Glenda, Father Dave Smith, Geoff Shaw, Jackie (Rise Up Sydney), Steve Kelly (Cops for Truth), Singh, Stephan Chavura (Historian), Buddy Shillingsworth Jnr, Ayse Goknur Shanal, Michael O'Neill (iMOP), The Aussie Donald Trump, Aussie Cossack, John Larter, Roland Chrystal.
More freedom highlight videos can be found located by clicking on the hashtag freedomhighlights under this video. In order to help make this channel more relevent, please let me know if you prefer me to upload more highlight videos, full versions of rallies or the individual speeches in the comments section of this video.
Don't forget to comment, like, share this video and to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 9.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 17.09.22 (The Battle Continues) - Dial 000 and more

Spring Water Greg
WorldWide Rally 9.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 17.09.22 - Dial 000 - Police - Fire - Ambulance + Brady Gunn - Smokin Joe
WorldWide Rally for Freedom 9.0 at Martin Place had everything great about the Freedom Movement & More. As part of the Dial 000 Trilogy (Police - Fire - Ambulance), Roland Chrystal called out the Police as he was accompanied by an entire Crew of Former NSW Police who are standing with the People during the Mandates. The Firefighters used their time on the podium to share words of encouragement. And for the Ambulance, Crowd Favourite 'John Larter'sent ripples of truth beyond the packed crowd that would keep those grubs trembling. Other speakers include Mac (MC) Smokin Joe Mekhael (World Record Holding DJ & General of THE SAVE THE WORLD ARMY/Good Vibes Save Lives), Brady Gunn (A Stand in the Park), Fighting Father Dave Smith, Auntie Glenda Merritt (Ngunnawal Elder), Stephan Chavura (Historian), The Aussie Donald Trump, Marelle Burnum Burnum, Sharni (Young First Nations Activist), Adam (The Suicide Awareness Ambassordore who is Cycling around the Country - Initially from Melbourne, Victoria). Full versions of these speeches are available on the springwatergreg BITCHUTE channel. Just search: springwatergreg "WORLDWIDE RALLY 9.0 - SYDNEY" on BITCHUTE to locate them. Click on hashtag #FreedomHighlights under this video to find all the other highlight videos I have put together. I have also created relevent playlists on this channel.
Don't forget to comment, like, share this video and to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 10.0 - Sydney (Highlights) Sat. 19.11.22 - Aussie Cossack - Auntie Glenda - Mack

Spring Water Greg
The Sydney Resistence continues to show up with grunt and integrity - Those who know will never ever backdown. This is the highlights of the Worldwide Rally 10.0 which was held on the Grounds of St Andrews Cathedral. In this video, we hear from Mack, Smokin Joe, Roland Chrystal, Aussie Cossack, Auntie Glenda, Uncle Bruce, Craig Kelly, John Ruddcik, Dom, Adam Zahra. The music soundtrack for this highlights video is titled lockdown - Instrumental by Glen Tier of the Freedom Loving Bands "Two Dogs Strumming" & - thank you to Save the World Warrior "Zombie" for providing additional footage for this video. Please keep this channel active by commenting, like, share. Please contact me via telegram if you would like me to upload any of the full speeches of these great speakers. Keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 11.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 18.02.23 - Guru - Auntie Glenda - Smokin Joe

Spring Water Greg
Highlights video for WorldWide Rally 11.0 - Sydney - Sat. 18.02.23 - Feat. Guru (Dave Graham), Aussie Cossack, Riccardo Bosi, Auntie Glenda Merritt, Ngunnawal Elder, Smokin Joe Mekhael, Alan Hashem (Our Voices Matter) - Special thanks to Raymond Smith for usage of his original song "We the People" available via iTunes. Click on the Hashtage #FreedomHighlights for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom Sydney Highlight videos. Also visit the springwatergreg playlists for the full speeches from these great speakers.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 12.0 - Sydney (Highlights) Sat. 20.05.23 - Free Assange - Exposethe28 & More

Spring Water Greg
WorldWide Rally 12.0 - Sydney (Highlights) Sat. 20.05.23. This Rally was different to most of the previous WorldWide Rallies in Sydney to date. The overall feel this time was spearheaded by the #FreeAssange Movement and we also heard from some powerful Women who dared to shine light on the abuse of children. The team who organised "The Forest of the Fallen" addressed the horrific effects from the worlds greatest experiment in a very personal and dignified way - humanity has compassion for the fallen. Dissapointingly, we did not hear from Smokin Joe ... however Smokin Joe provide a public Instagram Post addressing that issue. I also did not hear a voice on "The Voice"... perhaps I inadvertently missed it. Click on the hashtag #FreedomHighlights below this video for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom, Sydney HighLight Videos.
Full speeches have been uploaded to the springwatergreg bitchute channel.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 13.0, Sydney (Highlights) Sat 23.09.23 - No to The Voice - Raymond Smith

Spring Water Greg
This is the HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO for "No to The Voice Rally" - WorldWide Rally 13.0, Sydney, Sat 23.09.23 - The No Rally included a Corroborree with special guests who travelled all the way from far west NSW. It also included many Rally crowd favourites such as Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth, Buddy Shillingsworth, Auntie Glenda Merritt, Roland Chrystal (Cops for Truth), Dave Oneegs, Clr Steve Christou and more. Refer to the hashtag under this video #freedomhighlights for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom, Sydney Highlight Videos. It is always great to see the freedom loving community show up to these events, let's keep the pressure on.
Very special thank you to freedom loving musician "Raymond Smith" for providing permission to use his original song "No to the Voice" for this highlights video. Support great artists who stand with us by purchasing the original track via iTunes. For more songs from Ray, checkout his YouTube Channel:
And to buy his Debut Album "Freedom Road" via CD, MP3 and/or the limited edition USB Card visit his website at:
For more Freedom Music Videos, click on the following playlist:
Let me know if you would like me to keep creating these videos by subcribing to keep this channel active. I do my best to share what I see at these freedom events as a member of the crowd so you get to see exactly what I see in the audience. "Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".

Spring Water Greg
The Inaugral Cali Freedom Ball 2022 - Celebrating Freedom (Highlights) - The Cali Freedom Ball, Singleton NSW - Sat. 12.11.22 (Caledonian Hotel). Very Special Thank You to Lisa Harte and your Team of Wonderful Human Beings for your Heart in putting such a very special and spectacular memorable celebration for our collective freedom. This freedom ball is a beautiful demonstration of the gifts we have all been given in spite of the current state of play. Those who want freedom will never ever loose it. Don't forget to comment, like, share this video and to keep up to date with new release videos by subscibing to this channel. If you see me at one of the rallies and want to say hello, please do so as I would very much love to meet you. Also, please let me know when speaking to me if you would like to share any of your footage with me so I can upload to this channel and also let me know if you would like to speak on camera as each and every one of us have a story to share - Let's build our communities and share our knowledge with each other.
The Cali Freedom Ball Videos now uploaded to Spring Water Greg Bitchute Channel:
The Cali Freedom Ball, Singleton NSW - Sat. 12.11.22 - Highlights Video
The Cali Freedom Ball - Sat. 12.11.22 - Special Guest - Gerard Rennick, Federal Member - Full Speech
The Cali Freedom Ball - Sat. 12.11.22 - Group Hug & Speech with Caledonian Owner Brad Hill
The Cali Freedom Ball - Sat. 12.11.22 - Tearsun (Mark) & - Hotel Caledonia - Live
The Cali Freedom Ball - Sat. 12.11.22 - Australian Firefighters Alliance (AFA)
The Cali Freedom Ball - Sat. 12.11.22 - Highlight Videos uploaded to springwatergreg Bitchute
(The original Promo Video for the Cali Freedom Ball).
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
WorldWide Rally 11.0 - Sydney (Highlights) - Sat. 18.02.23 - Guru - Auntie Glenda - Smokin Joe
8 months ago
Highlights video for WorldWide Rally 11.0 - Sydney - Sat. 18.02.23 - Feat. Guru (Dave Graham), Aussie Cossack, Riccardo Bosi, Auntie Glenda Merritt, Ngunnawal Elder, Smokin Joe Mekhael, Alan Hashem (Our Voices Matter) - Special thanks to Raymond Smith for usage of his original song "We the People" available via iTunes. Click on the Hashtage #FreedomHighlights for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom Sydney Highlight videos. Also visit the springwatergreg playlists for the full speeches from these great speakers.
"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".
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