NBC’s Chuck Todd Questions Whether Dems Standing Behind Biden Are ‘Putting Party over Country’ in Scorching Commentary

3 months ago

SHORT: “And if the party of identity politics passes over the first African American female vice president to choose somebody else, there’s going to be all kinds of rifts.”
Todd: “But this is — you know, Democrats want to lecture Republicans for putting party over country and how they’ve been enabling of Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell is frequently criticized for that moment where he decided to prioritize not dividing his own party and letting Trump off the hook by not voting to convict him during the impeachment. Can Democrats really sit there and say, you know, ‘This is not about whether you think Biden can win the election?’ He might be able to win the election. It’s not because he’s Joe Biden, it’s because he’s not Donald Trump. The real issue is, is he telling the truth about whether he can serve a full four years? And this — there’s a lot of challenges in the world. Do we want a president who could be incapacitated? This is — this is one of those where you’ve got to say to yourself, ‘This is hard. There’s no doubt. There’s risk no matter what you do here.’ But you’ve got to say to yourself, ‘What’s in the best interest of the country?’ Not the party. What’s in the best interest of the country in the next four years?”
PALMIERI: “And I think people don’t know that yet, you know?”
Todd: “That’s a fair point.”

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