Sykes on Biden’s Debate Performance: You Cannot Convince People that What They Saw with Their Own Eyes Did Not Happen

8 months ago

CAPEHART: “What he is saying is while those of us in the chattering classes are trying to temper down and inferno, █çdown on the ground it is not that way.”

SYKES: “As I mentioned before every poll has indicated the vast majority of Americans are worried about Joe Biden’s age. It is not just the political leads. The political class had decided this was a chance worth taking, that they did not think this would be disqualifying up until Thursday and that is why you are having this rethinking about it. And again I guess one of the questions that people are going to be asking is were we misled about this? Who knew that this was the problem that it was and how deep does it go? Now maybe there are good answers to this and that is why I keep talking about a plan c, because the what — the White House can’t say it was 90 minutes. This was,█ç as you pointed out, this was an inflection point. This was a pivotal point. There is real panic, so they have to not pretend that it is only people in the media that are noticing this. Look, we saw it with their own eyes. You cannot convince people that what they saw with their own eyes did not happen, so they have to address that and there has to be tough love. It has to be honest and in some ways kind of brutal to say okay, what are we going to do about this and how are we going to prevent Donald Trump from getting back in the White House?”

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