'Proud Conservative' Adam Kinzinger Endorses Joe Biden For President

8 months ago

Posted • June 26, 2024: Earlier this week, Twitchy reported that ex-Congressman Adam Kinzinger was planning to endorse Joe Biden for President. Shocking news, right? We're not sure which is funnier: (1) Kinzinger still calling himself a Republican or (2) Kinzinger believing that he is still remotely relevant to American politics. Today, we're going with option number two, since not only did the man Donald Trump calls 'Cryin' Adam' abandon any conservative principles he may have once had by endorsing Biden, but he thought he was important enough to record a video of that endorsement and publish it on Twitter. Oh, honey … Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 @AdamKinzinger: “As a proud conservative, I’ve always put America’s Democracy and our Constitution above all else. And today, as a proud conservative, I am endorsing Joe Biden for reelection!”

If you can't make it through the whole video, we don't blame you. It's pure, grade-A, pristine cringe. By our count, he had to repeat that he is a 'proud conservative' at least twice (maybe he was trying to convince himself). And he repeated the Democrat mantra of 'our democracy' FOUR times. If that's not a tell that Kinzinger is now a full-throated leftist, nothing is. -- “Our Democracy” is the Commie Dems’ euphemism for Communism. Bingo. The rest of Kinzinger's cringe video is, of course, dedicated to January 6, which in his mind was worse than the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and Gozer the Destroyer all wrapped into one. Funny though, how he didn't mention all of the evidence that he and the January 6 Committee either hid or destroyed. Maybe he was running short on time. Even more hilarious than Kinzinger's self-important speech though were the people who rallied to his side. Hint: they're all Democrats (or pretend Republicans like Kinzinger) with terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - They Fittin' to DRAG YOU: 'Proud Conservative' Adam Kinzinger Endorses Joe Biden for President

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