Healing Depression With Compassion. 💙

8 months ago

One of the things it's really important to do to heal from depression is to start generating compassion. So that's both self -compassion and compassion for others. Now unfortunately people who suffer from depression are highly likely not to have much compassion around them in their environment or to have been shown much compassion growing up. 💙

So it's therefore difficult for them to engage with compassion, to draw on any kind of compassion. So one way I like to think around this is to look for specific incidents from your past that weren't family, maybe a little bit removed, like did a friend show you compassion, did a colleague show you compassion, a teacher show you compassion, something like that. 💙

Or to look to more historic figures, if you have a specific historic figure in mind that was compassionate. Or even look to literature and films, someone like a Dumbledore or a Gandalf showed compassion. 💙

And you can have multiple of these characters to draw on. 💙

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