Google Expert Whistleblower Exposes Plan to Rig 2024 Election – Dr. Robert Epstein

8 months ago

What you see is what Google wants you to see. They can easily steal any election they want as they have set up Algorithms to persuade people one way or the other.

Dr. Robert Epstein says that Google can shift 20 to 25 million votes and you combine this to Dominion machines being controlled and you receive politicians that you don’t vote for.

Google owns Youtube and they are all about blocking the truth and censorship.

They are Commie controlled.

Over 60% of searches are done through Google.

If Google wanted to run an Indoctrination Campaign, (which they are) they could lead people down the wrong road bases on lies and deception.

Google wants to support a candidate – they will put that candidate right in front of you and learn how you think and learn what you want to hear, because it is ALL about manipulation by providing you with “what you want to hear.”

If you constantly see a candidate that says what you want to hear, you are likely to vote for them.

We all know that most candidates do not adhere to what they say they will be. The game is all about deception and getting their cronies who want to destroy America into office and then it is all about continuing the deception and reelection – keeping them in office so the agenda can be fulfilled.

Everything that we type on Google is tracked and traced.

Google knows every registered voter in every state and they want to know their thinking so they can tailor make ads specifically to target YOU.

Google has become a Brainwashing Company.

Google definitely knows the political affiliations of ALL their users. They know you better you know yourself. They likely have your genetic information. They can listen in peoples homes through Nest and through Android Phones without people even knowing.

We are all targets of Google.

Dr. Robert Epstein was warned that he would be killed in some type of accident. His wife was killed in a very suspicious accident and some of his friends and colleagues have had freak accidents. His son was hit by a black vehicle in a hit and run.

Google is sending a message to Robert to keep his mouth shut or he is next because he is becoming a threat to the people discovering the truth about Google.

Google was set up by the CIA and is a New World Order tool. They are not for us, which appears to be the case for all the Tradable Corporations.

Google is involved in the cover-ups of election fraud by others and directly involved with the fraud themselves.

Dr. Robert Epstein: “They are not going to let Trump win.”

We will see, they both are controlled opposition. Biden is just completely controlled, he is a prisoner and is a pure puppet.

Trump might have some lead way to do some things he wants, but it will never be enough and every good thing he will do will just be destroyed by the next president.

We will NEVER get ahead in the political “process.”

They have too much control of both sides – the dem and repub which is really one side now.


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1. Alber-Q –

2. Dr. Robert Epstein –

3. Banned Video –

END. 6/28/2024 – 9:00 PM


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