NBC’s Medical Drama, ‘New Amsterdam,’ Makes the Insane Claim that Cancer Can Be Caused by Racism

7 months ago

UNKNOWN MALE 1: “I had Cephas answer some questions from a Harvard test known as ‘Unrest.’ It is designed to, um, measure someone’s level of social resistance.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE 1: “Social resistance?”
UNKNOWN FEMALE 2: “When people like us oppose the values and policies of the dominant culture.”
UNKNOWN MALE 1: “That’s right.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE 1: “And what does that have to do with —“
UNKNOWN MALE 1: “Your son, he feels threatened on a daily basis. Like everything he’s earned can just be taken away. He’s disenfranchised. But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can’t name it, he’s internalizing it.”
UNKNOWN FEMALE 1: “Name what?”
UNKNWON MALE 1: “Racism. I think your son’s tumor was caused by racism.”

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