Kellyanne Conway: Biden’s Team Is Going to ‘Goose Him and Juice Him’ So He’d Be Able to Stand for Ninety Minutes

8 months ago

Hannity: “All right, I may be wrong. My best guess, you know, educated guess, is that we’ve only seen Joe Biden kind of jacked up and very energetic during the State of the Union Address, Kellyanne. The only time we’ve ever seen it. We didn’t see it before, and we haven’t seen it since. I expect that Joe Biden to show up at the debate. That means, I guess, a lot of Red Bull, a lot of caffeine pills, whatever. Would you expect the same?”
CONWAY: “Probably. They’ll need to goose him and juice him for him to even be able to stand there for 90 minutes without the assistance of President Obama or his wife or getting away with shaking hands with the air, or, frankly, a teleprompter. We haven’t seen him much without a teleprompter. And you know how Donald Trump is preparing for the debate? You just saw it in Racine, Wisconsin, you saw it in the South Bronx, you see it Wildwood, New Jersey, you see it in West Palm Beach. He goes and talks to the people about the record of accomplishments for four years and then the vision for the next four. That’s the best way to prepare. Now, as for Biden’s agility, acuity, ability and energy, that will be in question, but I think that CNN, which probably thinks it’s doing a civic service by muting Donald Trump’s mic, is actually doing him a big favor. Let’s all have Joe Biden speak. I can’t wait, Ari and Sean, to try to watch Biden speak. Let him perform feet away from the very imposing, intimidating Donald Trump. I don’t care what the Democrats say. Let him stumble, mumble, bumble and not be so humble with Trump right there. But I hope Trump will let him speak. And by the way, I’ve been in the room for debate prep for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. He takes this very seriously. But his type of debate prep is just to talk about what you’ve seen him talking about, how he will reduce inflation, what he’ll do at the at the border. You know why Joe Biden’s going on vacation, not to prep — because here are his answers: ‘President Biden, what’s your plan for ensuring 26 million Americans who have no healthcare?’ ‘Abortion.’ ‘What is your plan to fix the border, inflation?’ ‘Donald Trump is bad.’ ‘Do you have a plan in the Middle East or in Ukraine?’ ‘January 6.’ Those are gonna be his three answers for everything, Trump, Trump, Trump, January 6, abortion. Mark my word.”

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