Self-Doubt In Depression! 💙

8 months ago

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Self-doubt is huge in depression and it's a giant problem because self-doubt will stop people from getting the help and advice and attention that they need in order to heal from depression. ❤️

Unfortunately, because depression is an invisible illness, other people can't see it or appreciate it so you get advice like, "pull yourself together", "pull your socks up", "get on with it", "other people have it worse". ❤️

Even for someone who was self-confident that would lead to self-doubt, but for people who have depression they're liable to self-doubt and low self-confidence and low self-esteem anyway, so that naturally leads to, "well, maybe I should just work harder", "maybe I should put in more effort", "maybe I am weak" and that then leads to them doing the wrong thing and not getting the help that they need to heal from depression because just beating themselves up to actually do more when you're depressed just makes things a million times worse! ❤️

It's really important if you feel that you're suffering from depression (maybe you don't have the ability to feel happiness joy love excitement pleasure like you used to do you're doing less social things you're feeling exhausted most of the time you may be struggling to sleep you're eating patterns may be off), please please please get the help that you need for maybe a diagnosis of depression and then subsequent treatment and help for that depression. ❤️

Try not to use self-doubt as any kind of reason not to get the help that you need. ❤️

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