T.A.G. Program | Talented & Gifted or Modern Lebensborn Plan | Woodinville-Wellington to Hanford

8 months ago

I take you to my school, Wellington Elementary where I was enrolled in the T.A.G. Program from Grades 3-5. Around March/April of 1985, my family was in the process of moving from Woodinville, Washington to the farm in the Eltopia, about 3 hours away to the east. My brother Joaquin, who had also been enrolled in TAG, in the room next door to me, moved to the farm earlier than the rest of us with James & Martha Pettigrew, my mother's parents. After that, between James & my parents, they made several trips to and from the Seattle-Woodinville area during the process of our move to the farm.

I go into more detail about my specific experiences in the TAG program & what I think it's true purpose might have been then, and likely still is today...a modern Lebensborn, more specifically a way to track children of rare blood groups & track their progress relative to being inventors, innovators, scientists...etc...to ensure those innovators & their innovations are 'controlled'.

You would be surprised at the level of genius some of my classmates possessed. I frequently felt like dumbest one among them. Their were some kids in that class that were already doing High School level learning by the time they were in 3rd-6th grade.

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