The X Mockingbird Media & Human Trafficking Grifters | Brock Pierce Reformed or DEN Boys 2.0?

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Did you know that Brock Pierce has been getting close to RFK Jr, Vivek Ramaswamy & Dustin Stockton of Ian Carroll’s “CLUB MAHA”? Dustin even went as far as to call Brock a “PATRIOT” & celebrated his presence, took a photo next to him..all of it…the guy who does regular CLUB MAHA broadcasts with Ian Carroll

Who is Brock Pierce?
Did you ever watch Amy Berg’s documentary “An Open Secret” that documents Brock Pierce, Marc Collins Rector & Chad Shackley’s boy trafficking ‘front’? They created a real online channel with youth gay oriented content. It was funded massively by notorious Hollywood creepers…it wasn’t really even a studio as much as an excuse to get teenage boys, talking just under 10 to around teenage years or what they called “Twinks”. They were brought to DEN parties, drugged frequently, wound up naked in beds with creeper Hollywood producers…much of this was coordinated with Brock Pierce leading the way…he wasn’t a victim…he wasn’t a sideline player. He was a major part of DEN. The feds busted them, for some reason Brock was let go…no real reason why considering he was equally involved except he was very young when it happened.

That was the 90s…since then…for some bizarre reason, no matter how many people out Brock Pierce, he keeps rebooting and reinventing himself without addressing the considerable charges against him…he is now a Crypto-BILLIONAIRE with holdings that exceed 1 BILLION…and he is a creeper that ‘got off’

Now, that’s bad…but woah…he’s now hanging out at Patriot Movements and funding conservative journalists through Cryptocurrency schemes?

Wait…who is is that standing proudly by & reposting Brock Pierce…yep…Ian Carroll’s buddy and co-host of CLUB MAHA, Dustin Stockton…if you don’t know who these people are…I get it…I barely know who they are but X pushes these douchebags to your feed whether you like it or not unless you go out of the way to mute it.

Who is Ian Carroll?

IMO, a Mockingbird Gatekeeper masquerading as a journalist. I gave the guy months to see what he was about…I stayed mostly quiet…asking him a question here and there to see what he’d say…never replied…no big deal…but I’d notice that Carroll kisses Elon Musk’s ass constantly…nearly became a Starlink commercial for awhile. He kept trying to sell ‘livestream’ content providers on how great Starlink is…no no no…Satellite is the ‘worst’ possible choice for most people who livestream if they have half a brain and understand networks. You are ‘much’ better off with a wired cable or fiber optic internet provider…anyways…I kept noticing Ian would copy the stories of others, repost the same things but omit key details, then, much like Elon Musk, seemed to be getting artificially amplified above the person he stole the content from. Now, that person has been omitted from being credited…Ian seems smarter than he is when he’s just ‘harvesting’ news from others…

I finally confronted Ian & said something like “You do some good articles but you seem to have your blinders on when it comes to Musk…”

Whatever it was…he never answered my inquiries ‘to him’ but I did see him ‘reuse’ my questions to him for another person he fake confronted…and I’m thinking WTF

Yeah…not only has Ian never answered any of my ‘nice’ questions…he then RESUSED my ‘confrontational’ question to ‘him’ to confront Musk…okay…like I can’t see through that shit…gloves are off Ian…I’m taking down your CLUB MAHA con…believe it

Why would Ian do this?

He, IMO, is part of a network of ‘gatekeepers’…they all do this, it’s called “Mirroring” and …more on that tonight…especially the Order of Nine Angles connections to Mockingbird Journalists who are into young boys…that’s a thing…and many are hawking conservative journalists…not pulling this out of my ass…I found others who are learning the same about O9A & their process of “Mirroring”…and occult thing you’ll find o9A mockingbirds doing…look it up.

I’m not saying Ian’s into little boys…or even Dustin Stockton…seriously…I have no clue…but I do find it weird that these guys who claim to care about Human Trafficking issues are just waving off this connection to Brock Pierce as if it’s nothing

Oh no…it’s something…it’s definitely something

Tonight I’m going off on Mockingbirds…we might just spend most of the night that. I might play an episode of Darkroom because I found a better copy resolution of it…it’s about swapping out journalists who aren’t compliant with the state. They offer to let them go underground and have their personality taken over by a CGI Avatar…now that plot sounds ‘normal’ for today…but it was put out in 1982 when CGI was barely a thing.

I’m tired of these ‘actor’ journalists stalling progress while claiming to be heroes on the Epstein case…it’s such a hopeless endless cycle…and people should really see through douches like Ian Carroll by now…but no, they don’t…but they all do certain things that send off immediate red flags…don’t ignore that


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