Freeman Bird RTC 2024

8 months ago

The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Law of Moses

Freeman Bird was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his youth, he visited and lived in many nations because of his Father’s job as a salesman. When he turned eighteen, he decided he no longer believed in God, and consequently decided to have his records removed from the church. In the years that followed, he went through a period where he tried to find what he could call, “truth”. Freeman found himself at opposite ends of reality. One year, he was an atheistic communist, another year he imagined paganism was the answer. It would be some time before his wanderings led him back to the beginning of his journey – back to Mormonism. However, in what can only be properly described as a “path of miracles”, he ended up not in the mainline church, but as a member of Christ’s Church, the Righteous Branch. Freeman is now serving as a full-time missionary, teaching people the fundamental fullness of the gospel in hopes that others might experience something akin to his own experiences. Freeman has a deep love of history and religion, and seeks to gather all the truth that Mormonism has a divine right to.

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