Bowman on Hillary Clinton Endorsing Challenger: ‘I Wouldn’t Call it a Major Endorsement’

3 months ago

He‘s always done New York democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman joins me now. Congressman, welcome to the program. I‘m glad that you‘re here. How are you this evening good to see you.
>> Me.
>> Just ended and that is this endorsement now by Hillary Clinton for your challenger. What‘s your reaction to that?
>> Definitely wouldn‘t call out a major endorsement with all due respect.
>> Sitting us senator Elizabeth Warren sitting us senator Bernie Sanders.
>> The Democratic Party, Hakeem Jeffries, will also endorsed by planned parenthood 11, 99, and many others. So I love our endorsements and they are going to help us win this race. You know what? Unfortunately, my opponent and Secretary Clinton do not support a permanent ceasefire they support Benjamin Netanyahu and they support billions of dollars of our money going to Israel and Netanyahu for an unjust attack on civilians Gaza, versus those billions come in here to our district to help people with childcare, housing, transportation and so many other issues. So it‘s unfortunate that my opponent and unfortunately, Secretary Clinton seem to both be out of touch with this district well, I certainly won‘t speak for either one, but I would presume they believe that they‘re support is far more nuanced, but it‘s interesting, congressman, because there‘s been a lot of attention less so on your policy positions and more so on who is choosing to endorse you and who is not.
>> Today with latimer and I‘ve heard quentin also a former congressman Monday or Jones, who used to be kind of a progressive darling and now running for New York 17th congressional districts.
>> He was citing to the point you just raised your position on Israel as a top reason I‘m going to read a few what he said.
>> Of morality aldi compelled me to intervene, given how god awful Mr. Bowman‘s conduct has been going on to say Mr. Bowman‘s specific actions have caused anxiety, fear, and anger among my Jewish neighbors. What is your reaction to a statement from a former member of Congress in your own party?
>> Educators in Congress and less career politicians are those who seek to be career politicians. I am an educator. I worked in public schools for 20 years. I have a doctorate in education leadership. I‘m actually dr. Bowman and I‘ve spent my entire life keeping kids safe teaching against hate and fighting racism anti-Semitism, islamophobia sexism and all the isms that continue to play gus after we condemned October 7, we formed we had a healing breakfast with our Jewish constituents to hear from them, listen to them and learn from them. And then figure out how to govern with them critique of Israel is not antisemitism critique of zionism is not antisemitism the icj has stated that Israel at the moment may be committing a plausible genocide. The un has stated that famine is sitting in. So when we talk about more orality more orality is not our taxpayer dollars going a bomb, infants and babies and children and civilians. It‘s about bringing that money back here and leading with peace to get us to a place to a free Palestine, a safe Israel. And that‘s how you end Hamas well, before for me not to give you your due title, congressman and dr. Bowman on these issues, but there has been statements, not without controversy you of course, are intimately familiar with this regarding the stances that you have taken and voters are keyed into this likely for the very reasons you talk about that, people are very leaned in to thinking about foreign policy, not just what‘s happening in their own home states back on October 8, the day after Hamas attacked Israel the democratic socialists of America held a rally in New York. I understand where attendees chanted quote, resistance is justified when people are occupied and one protest or even displaying a swath sika. And what has become pretty widely circulated photo at the time, I remember you came out and you condemned the rhetoric and your office said that your membership that organization had lapsed, but then The New York Times has been reporting this week, I‘d love for you to address this that you told the group in a private video meeting last month that you never actually left the organization, that you never let your dues lapse is that true?
>> Reported, can you comment on what you want to clarify, if anything?
>> You for stating that we condemned the rally on October 8th with that horrible swat sticker. And even holding a rally at all, we completely condemned that. So thank you for stating that. I don‘t have much to say about The New York Times are the book article it‘s not an issue that‘s really important to the people of our district. Are district wants to know what am I going to do to decrease gang violence? What am I going to do about affordable housing? What have I done about education and climate justice.
>> Is, it is important. I don‘t want to cut you off, but I do want to hear response, but voters also are interested in, as well and understanding what memberships you currently hold. They often look at that as indicative of your value system politically, are you a member of the organization?
>> Dsa, yes. Absolutely. That was a logistical era on their part that led to me saying that wasn‘t a member because I thought once we stop paying our dues, we were no longer members. That wasn‘t the case. My point is, it‘s not about the membership or lack thereof it‘s, about us discussing a logistical issue and not talking about gun violence in a district or for the ability or education which we are brought in tens of millions of dollars to the district to start programs to deal with all of those issues throughout the district, as well as climate justice. And that‘s what people here when you pull them das, what they want to talk about, not about the gossip that unfortunately too many people are writing about, not you, of course, Laura. But I mean others well, of course, never me, but thank you so much for clarifying. I appreciate it. What congressman thank you for articulating some of your other policy positions as well. Obviously, the ultimate judge will be the voters. This coming fall and we‘ll look forward to hearing. Of course, ultimately what they choose. Thank you for

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