MZTV 1496: EPHESIAN SHOCK: THIS is Why God Chose Us

8 months ago

I play Johnny Greene’s own ominous words today, but only in order to jump over to Ephesians and show you why GOD chose you for membership in Christ’s body. Hint: It’s not for the same reason JOHNNY thinks He chose you.

Mr. Greene’s awful video forwarding the lie that we are chosen because of our behavior provides an inspiring backdrop to discovering the REAL reason behind God’s favor of us.

I hope no one despairs of this method of teaching. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul launches on the most comprehensive teaching on resurrection ever written, only because some in the ecclesia were teaching there was no resurrection. In Galatians, we get a bottom-line look at grace—only because some of the Circumcision from Jerusalem were vexing Paul’s people over law.

Sects inside and outside of our circle drive us even harder into the Word of God. This is one reason why Paul said, “There MUST be sects among you” (1 Corinthians 11:19). Not only do these wild, sectarian fallacies bring out the best in teachers (“...there must be sects among you, that whose who are qualified may be becoming apparent among you”), but they give every student of the Word the needed opportunity to compare the lie with the truth. Many times, the truth shines best when stood up next to the lie.

Grace and peace to all, including my friend Johnny Greene.

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