i SAW THE TRIBULATION Part 7: Guillotines : Concentration camps
New Signal members guide & Dec 16 LIVE all things: Alien,Great Deception,Invasions,Great Tribulation
1987 by angelic intervention GOD saved me from attempted suicide collision
Protected from deadly knife and black belt assaults
PROMO-God Protected Me in Nuclear War Dream- brief burning arm reminder after
God Protected Me in Nuclear War Dream- brief burning arm reminder after
Thru Jesus escaped dream inception induced coma
The Alien-ation of Society: This landed in my backyard

The Alien-ation of Society: This landed in my backyard

8 months ago

This landed in my backyard in 1976 during my occult pre-Christian days - where God allowed me to experience things, one of many Recon into the Enemies Camp God Allowed, that in ministry since 1988 He is wanting me to warn about that will lead up to the great Deception coming designed for the Church i am warning about.
Here's the Full story on the Alienation of Society.
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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq-
Rumble where all 50 videos uncensored are: https://rumble.com/c/BereanBuilderMinistries
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