Russia's Nuclear Warships ARRIVE in Cuba, U.S. in STRIKING distance, W.H.O Lies and is called out.

7 months ago

Does anyone remember the Cuban Missle Crisis that President Kennedy saved the world from? I do. He said he was going to " destory the C.I.A. into a 1000 peices and scatter it to the wind" They murdered him before he could. We need to follow through with this. The C.I.A. is an illegal goverment unto itself.

A Russian ship has arrived in Cuba with missles that can hit the East Coast. The U.S. has pushed and pushed and pushed Putin by putting missles within striking range of their people, every day they have to realize this. Now we have that threat that our government has pushed upon us. Not a wise peaceful move.
Scott Ritter had his passport pulled to prevent him from traveling to Russia for his plans of doing a Documentary of Russia and the Russian People. He has been there twice before with no problem. He is trying to create Peace. Peace!

There is a Anti-Nuclear War Rally going on in Washington that Ritter will be at.
Biden is a mad-man, the worst President in U.S. History- taking down the U.S.Dollar, destroying Peace all over the World. Now Chinese Currency is more powerful than the U.S. Dollar. Africa says they do not need the American dollar.
Thanks to Biden. He needs to be impeached!!!
The W.H.O. lied about a person dying of the Bird Flu in Mexico. Lies and more lies. Mexico called them out on the lies. The Mexican died of other causes not the Bird Flu as Mexico stated. And he probably got the jabs and died from them!!
STOP the W.H.O. Tell your politicians to EXIT the W.H.O. Demand it. Remember the Government works for us. Tell them that!! Get pissed off as we all should be. What happened to the " Pursuit of Happiness"? Our Rights have been trashed by war mongers and liars and control psychopaths.
Rememeber that PCR tests can not detect a virus!! 97% False Positives- NEVER again let a swab near you!! PCR tests are the whole house of cards- Bogus Tests from China.

Banks are being set up to fail. To force Nationalizing the banks. To force digital currency and total mass control of our funds. Scary as hell.

Please take action, DO something everyday- make a call to a Senator or Congress.. Share widely all truth, Shout it from the rooftops.

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