Dershowitz: Best Thing that Could Happen to Trump Is an Acquittal of Hunter Biden

8 months ago

Admittedly an interview on good nourishment good morning America?
>> The best thing they could possibly happen to Donald Trump is if Hunter Biden gets acquitted. Because the evidence against Hunter Biden is so much more compelling of the legal issues which were compelling than anything against Donald Trump and it will prove beyond any doubt that this is all about where the trial was conducted at that if your Trump in you tried in New York is automatic guilt and if you’re biting and you tried in Delaware, it’s a different bird. To the best thing you could possibly happen to Donald Trump is the acquittal of the Biden base in all the. Would also be a good thing for America. It would uncover and disclose the horrible double standard that our criminal justice system is going through. Maybe we can get some reform. Maybe we can do something about it. Right now our criminal justice system is the laughingstock of the world and I feel you’re so horrible about it. I’ve been with — able to 60 years of my life to try to defend and explain the legal system based on neutral principles that legal system is gone. The Trump case destroyed it. And if there were an acquittal in this case, at least it will expose that. Know there maybe a condition in this case but is often it is so overwhelming that won’t hurt Donald Trump payment but if there were an acquittal it would help Donald Trump and were mostly in the court of public opinion, nobody would

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