John - Chapter 21 DAILY BIBLE STUDY {Spoken Word - Text - Red Letter Edition}

9 months ago

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Hello, and welcome to "DAILY BIBLE INSPIRATION"
Enjoy reading God's word with spoken word and text. Red Letter Edition.
God is in control, always and forever. AMEN!

John - Chapter 21 Summary:

John chapter 21 describes a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to His disciples by the Sea of Galilee and concludes the Gospel with a reaffirmation of Peter's role. Several disciples, including Peter, go fishing but catch nothing overnight. In the morning, Jesus appears on the shore, though they do not recognize Him at first. He instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, resulting in a miraculous catch of fish. Realizing it is Jesus, Peter jumps into the water to swim to Him. Onshore, Jesus prepares a breakfast of bread and fish and shares it with them. After the meal, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him, mirroring Peter's earlier three denials. Each time Peter affirms his love, Jesus commissions him to "feed my sheep," indicating Peter's restored leadership role. Jesus also hints at Peter's future martyrdom. The chapter ends with a note about the authorship and reliability of John's Gospel, emphasizing that Jesus did many other things not recorded in the book.

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