Get Out Of Jail Free DOJ Letter To Corrupt Courts- Child Support-

8 months ago

This video will empower anyone who has ever had to pay back child support, speeding tickets, court fines, court fees, and any debt that they went to jail over. Also it gives you the knowledge needed to sue corrupt judges and prosecutors for violating your constitutional and civil rights when they locked you up over a debt.without giving you an indigency hearing to find out whether or not you had the ability to pay or the failure to pay was WILLFULL. This is straight from the dept of justice and even though it is from 2016 it still contains accurate information and the details needed to bring a claim against anyone who violates your due process and equal protection under the law rights. Also it includes the illegal suspension of drivers license for any child support or court debt you couldn't pay. Learn what your rights are and discover that they already have been warned of their illegal practices and I believe it would be a game changer just to print one of these out and drop it into any case relevant to these circumstances and you will see some different behavior along with being released from jail if you are currently incarcerated for child support or court fees or fines. Protect your rights with this knowledge. Like this video if you found value and share with anyone who needs to hear this vital information please. we got to stop this corruption that they have made ordinary practice blatantly because people are ignorant.

#protectyourrights #knowyourrights #getoutofjailfree #constitutionallyprotectedrights #civilrights #corruptcourts #owedchildsupport #paychildsupport #finesandfees #courtcosts #suspendeddriverslicense #doj

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