Income Taxes Are Voluntary Based On Your Ignorance Of The Law

6 days ago

Stop funding the criminal cartel government. If they just print money out of thin air why are they even making us pay taxes in the first place. Income taxes go to the interest on the "public debt". Wake up people. We've all been played for fools and enslaved by these International Bankers who are parasites that have exhausted the host (us)!!! They use War to extract all our hard labor your life's energy (money) which us the true currency of the planet. Why war? Because they brainwash you to be patriotic about the wars using propaganda and psychological warfare to the point where we happily support the troops and War and they love it because they get to murder people and make money while managing population growth etc. You have infinite credit if you gain the knowledge to be able to access it for discharging all debt and obligations of the United States foreign corporation

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