Episode 261: Is God fair to cast the sinner into the lake of fire? Part 1

9 months ago

Hello everyone. In today's Bible study we conclude Item 7 Born from Above in our series What is the New Birth.

Today we ask and answer a very interesting question. Is God fair to cast the sinner into the lake of fire?

What say you? Is it fair? Why would a God of love do what seems to us, such a horrible thing?

If it is true that God will cast certain people into a lake of fire then why?

We will answer the questions above based upon our knowledge and perception of God. Do we have the proper knowledge of who God truly is? Is it based solely on what the Scriptures declare or did we form this knowledge based upon what we were taught and our own thoughts and experiences.

If our respective knowledge and understanding of who God is not based solely on what the Scriptures declare then our answers to those serious questions above will be unbiblical therefore incorrect.

Let's make certain that we have a biblical view of the Sovereign LORD God prior to stating who He is and what He is like.

Today's study is 1 hour and 12 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled "Is God fair to cast the sinner into the lake of fire? Part 1"

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