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Putin Kisses the Holy Quran

Free Humanity
Putin , the holy Quran , chechnya , Dagestan , Ramzan Kadyrov , islam , Christian , alliance , interfaith alliance, Omar Samson , free humanity
Here’s What the Media Isn’t Telling You About the Venezuelan Election

Free Humanity
Much to the chagrin of the U.S. government, socialist candidate Nicolas Maduro won a third successive term in office on Sunday, convincingly beating his U.S.-backed opponents, Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado, by seven points.
Almost immediately after the results were announced, American officials began decrying the elections as a farce.
Jews, cia, mossad, coup d’etat, retarded America media , sheeple, oil, petroleum, u.s.a. , war for oil and money, political oposition in venezuala are cia puppets, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, false flag, george soros, trump, false
The Fall of Man, male inequality explained by expert, Richard Reeves

Free Humanity
The Fall of Man, male inequality explained by expert, Richard Reeves, feminism is poison, Free Humanity, Omar Samson, jew, zionism, bolshevism, communism, destruction of family, demonization of masculinity , make earth great again!
Omar for President!

Free Humanity
Omar for president,
I have written some text,
I have a message to tell the public,
I am not here for power and fame,
Analyzing the situation , i feel no other choice,
We need drastic change of course and we need it now,
I feel 100% confident i am up to the task,
People give me a chance!
Globalist bodies like the UN and WEF and Bill gates ,Monsanto are waging war against farmers

Free Humanity
Globalist bodies like the UN and WEF and Bill gates ,Monsanto are waging war against farmers,wef,bill gates,klaus schwab, communism by the backdoor,bolshevik,jew,monopoly,engineering famine,cultural genocide,great replacement,you shal eat za bugs,stop the war on farmers,farmers,war,2024,war on food,global depopulation agenda, agenda 21/30, sustainability goals,satanic,war on humanity,omar samson,free humanity
Syces picot and Balfour declaration( by Khan academy)

Free Humanity
Great text and explination on how the modern middle east has been setup for for ever colonization by western powers.
وجهة نظر عمر: السياسةOmar's view: Politics

Free Humanity
وجهة نظر عمر: السياسةOmar's view: Politics
Omar's view Politics 2 رؤية عمر السياسة 2

Free Humanity
Omar's view Politics 2 رؤية عمر السياسة 2
sisi , afrocentrism , egypt, netherlands , politics.
Free Palestine from Slovakia ,Bratislava

Free Humanity
Free Palestine,Slovakia,bratislava,
Of course my phone storage was full, need a pc to deposit all my files,
Only 7 seconds,
Just a glimpse,
Quite a large crowd for a small eastern european capital the outcome was huge.
Love Bratislava
Yes we can!

Free Humanity
Make Earth Great Again, Peace on earth,
Peace for all animals, peace for all of nature,
Peace for all humanity,
Free Humanity,
Free Palestine,
Free Europa!
How to change history, how to make the villain the hero and the hero the villain

Free Humanity
Adolfus hitler, ww2 , David Irving , Omar Samsom , Free Humanity, Truth ,
History revision, holohoax , real butchers of world war 2
The Truth about A true hero: Gadaffi

Free Humanity
Colonel Gadaffi, kadafi, truth, war,lybia,docu,gold dinar,amerika,israel,zionism,europe,nato,bombing,immigration
Democracy is retarded

Free Humanity
Confirmed by yogi, seeking common ground, agreement, yes, retarded, democracy,
By the people for the people, but the people are retarded.
Dead in the water, the system of modern slavery, maritime law.

Free Humanity
Maritime law, modern slavery, post master general, federal reserve, fake money, born dead, living persona, make earth great again,
Free humanity,
U.s.a threatens to invade Netherlands if ICC arrests Netanyahu

Free Humanity
Down with israel and down with american imperialism in the world!,
Make earth great again, Free Humanity. The hague invasion act.
Documentary: Masters of Mind Control Propaganda. Edward Bernays

Free Humanity
Documentary: Masters of Mind Control Propaganda. Edward Bernays, BBC Century of the Self Part 1
The Original Influencer
An uncanny ability to mould public desire made Edward Bernays one of the 20th century’s most influential – yet invisible – characters, the architect of modern mass manipulation.
Bernays’ methods, however, opened a new chapter in public relations, a profession that he and others pioneered in the 1920s. Bernays was not the first man in the field. There were a handful of others before and beside him, notably his great rival Ivy Lee. Bernays, however, may have had the greatest impact. He bolstered the new profession with theory, gave it a philosophical framework and processed the findings of the blossoming psychological disciplines by coming up with new methods of manipulating the public. Although practically invisible to the outside world, Bernays became an influential architect of modern mass persuasion techniques, which continue to inspire the PR industry. Harold Burson, CEO of Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s largest PR enterprises, was quoted in the 1990s as saying: ‘We’re still singing off the hymn book that Bernays gave us.’
Minds of man full 3 hour plus docu,
Putin ordered to mobilize the entire country of Russia , both civilian and military,29-05-2024

Free Humanity
Putin ordered to mobilize the entire country of Russia , both civilian and military,29-05-2024,ww3,russia,putin,ukraine,omar samson, free humanity
Geus who is just a puppet for wef, Trump bolshevik psy-op

Free Humanity
God save us all,
The world is blind and retarded,
God have mercy on us,
Wef,klaus schwab,
Omar samsom,
Free humanity,
Trump will win the 2024 election,
He will bring a false peace to the world,
People will worship him as a saviour,
And he will enslave all humanity,
You will own nothing,
And you will be forced to smile,
Ccp,china,social kredit
Philadelphia corridor , the End of Sisi ! Shame on Egypt !

Free Humanity
Put an end to this right now!
Free Palestine!
Shame on all of Egypt.
Slovakian PM Robert Fico Delivers Public Statement After Assassination Attempt.

Free Humanity
Slovakian PM Robert Fico Delivers Public Statement After Assassination Attempt.,Slovakia,politics,assasination,ukraine,war,Russia,Omar Samson,Free Humanity
i am the soeverein leader of Egypt, shame on Egypt! Onward into battle!

Free Humanity
Onward into battle you egoistical cowards,
I am your khalif you need to follow me!
Shame on Egypt!
Shame on Egypt!
Shame on Egypt!
Onward to redemtion!
Onward into battle!
Death to israel!
How the west was taken over by Communism, the west is marxist-bolshevik-communist.

Free Humanity
Short part of the interview with Yuri Bezemov , KGB agent, subversion, communism,marxism,bolshevik,jews,america communist,immigration,destruction of fanily,destruction of riligion,communism is the anti-christ system,
Omar samson, free humanity
Khalif Omar Al-Hullandi (the Dutchman)

Free Humanity
as pope and khalif i call both the christians and muslims to a holy war against the satanists scum trying to destroy the world!
i call a combined jihad/crusade!
fyi God does not care about wealth or fancy clothes,
From now on i will also fill the role of Khalif, since there is not a single Muslim alive that could fill that role better than me,
I will be just and tolerant , and bring all the change desired,
Nothing less than president!
For Egypt i will be nothing less than khalif,
For Europa i will be nothing less than pope emperor.
I am sick of it.
I am better than you.
I know better than you.
It is I.
I can save the world.
And i will save the world.
With your help
Omar for president,
Khalif of the world,
Free Palastina!,
Pontifex maximus,
Rex regum
Omar’s view: Putin part of the cabal?

Free Humanity
In this video i will explain my view on the character that is Vladimir Putin in short,
Putin,Russia,KGB,Dresden,Germany,soviet union,wef,bush,China,ccp,tradition,Riligion,infiltration,black ops,information gathering ,observation, james bond,007, Vladimir Putin,2024,
Omar Samson,Free Humanity
House of Saud, puppets of the west, traitors of Islam, scourge of the Ummah

Free Humanity
Placed there by brittish colonizers to destroy the muslim Ummah from the inside out,
Free Hejaz, Hejaz is mot saudie arabis, mekka and medina belong to hejaz,
House of saud are traitors to the Ummah, they destroy seculaire islam and created wahabism, which in turn was created by brittain, the house of saud was installed by the brittish empire, to make sure the middle east will always be divided .
Wahabism In Arab & Its B Team In Subcontinent Deobandism/Tablighi Jamaat Are Colonial Era's British Planted Traitors Among Muslims, These Both Deviant Cults Emerged Only After The British Arrival On Muslim Lands With Infamous Policy Of "Divide & Rule". Wahhabism Or Fake Salafism With Backing Of British Mind, Money & Arms & Collaboration Of Ancestral Desert Bandits & Looters Of Past Al-Saud & Their Traditional Nature Of Brutality & Betray Played Leading Role In Fall Of Islamic Ottoman Empire & As A War Booty Or Reward For Licking Their British Master's Shoes Awarded By British What It Is Today's Saudi Arabia The Breeding Ground For Its Byproduct The Wahhabi Terrorism.
In Shape Of Terrorism Threat Western Societies Are "Cutting" What Some Minority Idiots From Among Themselves "Sowed" In Past.
Globalists created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State
Britain and the Rise of Wahhabism and the House of Saud
The British, the Middle East, and Radical Islam
Confessions Of A British Spy[jump!3A!27!2814!29!27]/doc/%7B@13900%7D?
Hzbllh and more, traitors ?

Free Humanity
Second try, find the deleted video on my locals,
Hzbllh, traitors,ummah,Palestine,war,Egypt,horns of satan,truth,
Hzbllh was created to liberate Palestine, i suggest they are traitors,
Hzbllh not created as a private army for Lebannon, but to liberate the holy land,
Hzbllh should have commited to full war on 7 oktober,
Hzbllh is controlled oposition?
Why give away your plans and let the enemy know what you will do?
Sow they can prepare?
I have seen it now,
I theorize that they are traitors,
I can be wrong.
tell Egypt, war is inevitable

Free Humanity
Be sure to check out pt 2, improved version with evidence,
Egypt shame on you!,
Please act and save yourself,
Now is the moment,
Finish this once and for all,
You could stop this war any day,
You inaction will lead you to hell,
Omar for President!
tell Egypt war is inevitable , pt2

Free Humanity
Greater israel,Palestine,Egypt,Iraq,Syria,Lybia,Arabia,war,truth,settlers, colonial terrorism, white khazars, fake jews, bible cursed the jews ,dueteronomy 28,
Omar Samson,Free Humanity,middle-east,islam,judaism,zionism,israel,idf,ummah,arab,pride,resistance,world powers,netanyahu,abdel-fatah al sisi,puppets,united states of america,
Free Palastina!
Make Earth Great Again,
Yes we can!
Omar for president!
Omar's View: Immigration

Free Humanity
Omar's View: Immigration,
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity,
2024, Part 1.
Omar's view: Immigration pt2

Free Humanity
Freedom is being able to say that which people don't want to hear.
''George Orwell"
Truth is often more crazy than fiction, for we create the fiction to suite ourselves.
Omar Samson,
Orang Oetang evolving and more.

Free Humanity
Jewish Banking Exposed!

Free Humanity
1 A good name is to be chosen above great riches, and [a]loving favor is above silver and above gold.
2 The rich and poor [b]meet together, the Lord is the maker of them all.
3 A prudent man [c]seeth the plague, and hideth himself: but the foolish go on still, and are punished.
4 The reward of humility, and the fear of God is riches, and glory, and life.
5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: but he that regardeth his soul, will depart far from them.
6 Teach a child [d]in the trade of his way, and when he is old he shall not depart from it.
7 The rich ruleth the poor, and the borrower is servant to the man that lendeth.
8 He that soweth iniquity, shall reap affliction, and the [e]rod of his anger shall fail.
9 He that hath a good [f]eye, he shall be blessed: for he giveth of his bread unto the poor.
10 Cast out the scorner, and strife shall go out: so contention and reproach shall cease.
11 He that loveth pureness of heart for the grace of his lips, the [g]king shall be his friend.
12 The eyes of the Lord preserve [h]knowledge: but he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.
13 The slothful man saith, [i]A lion is without, I shall be slain in the street.
14 The mouth of strange women is as a deep pit: he with whom the Lord is angry, [j]shall fall therein.
15 Foolishness is bound [k]in the heart of a child: but the rod of correction shall drive it away from him.
16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase himself, and giveth unto the rich, shall surely come to poverty.
17 ¶ Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.
18 For it shall be pleasant, if thou keep them in thy belly, and if they be directed together in thy lips.
19 That thy confidence may be in [l]the Lord, I have showed thee this day: thou therefore take heed.
20 Have not I written unto thee [m]three times in counsels and knowledge,
21 That I might show thee the assurance of the words of truth, to answer the words of truth to them that send to thee?
22 Rob not the poor, because he is poor, neither oppress the afflicted [n]in judgment.
23 For the Lord will defend their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoil them.
24 Make [o]no friendship with an angry man, neither go with the furious man,
25 Lest thou learn his ways, and receive destruction to thy soul.
26 Be not thou of them that [p]tough the hand, nor among them that are surety for debts.
27 If thou hast nothing to pay, why causest thou that he should take thy bed from under thee?
28 Thou shalt not remove the ancient bounds which thy fathers have made.
29 Thou seest that a diligent man in his business standeth before Kings, and standeth not before the base sort.
Bankers are mass murderers and jewish aswell.
Make Earth Great Again : Free Palastina جعل الأرض عظيمة مرة أخرى: فلسطين حرة

Free Humanity
Make Earth Great Again : Free Palastina جعل الأرض عظيمة مرة أخرى: فلسطين حرة
Omar's view:Go Green ,رأي عمر:اذهب إلى اللون الأخضر

Free Humanity
Omar's view:Go Green ,رأي عمر:اذهب إلى اللون الأخضر
my view and explanation of cannabis in short
وجهة نظري وشرح الحشيش باختصار
رؤيا 22: 1-2
22 وأراني نهرا صافيا من ماء حياة، صافيا كالبلور، خارجا من عرش الله والخروف.
2 وفي وسط سوقها وعلى النهر من هناك شجرة حياة تصنع اثنتي عشرة ثمرة وتعطي ثمرها كل شهر وورق الشجرة لشفاء المرضى. الدول.
حزقيال 34:29
29 وأعطيهم أرضا مشهورة بغلالتها، فلا يكونون في ما بعد مجاعة في الأرض ولا تحتقر الأمم.
اشعياء 18: 4-5
4 لأن الرب قال لي: إني أستريح وأرى في مسكني كالحر الصافي على البقول، وكسحابة الندى في حر الحصاد.
5 لأنه قبل الحصاد، متى كان الزهر كاملا، ونضج حصرم في الزهرة، يقطع القضبان بالمناجل وينزع الأغصان ويقطعها.
تكوين 1: 12
12 فأخرجت الأرض عشبا وبقلا يبزر بزرا كجنسه، وشجرا يعمل ثمرا بزره فيه كجنسه، ورأى الله ذلك أنه حسن.
تكوين 1: 29-31
29 وقال الله اني قد اعطيتكم كل بقل يبزر بزرا على وجه كل الارض وكل شجر فيه ثمر شجر يبزر بزرا. لكم يكون لحما.
30 ولكل حيوان الأرض وكل طير السماء وكل دبابة على الأرض فيها نفس حية أعطيت كل عشب أخضر طعاما وكان كذلك.
31 ورأى الله كل ما عمله فإذا هو حسن جدا. وكان مساء وكان صباح
Revelation 22:1-2
22 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Ezekiel 34:29
29 I will provide for them a land renowned for its crops, and they will no longer be victims of famine in the land or bear the scorn of the nations.
Isaiah 18:4-5
4 For so the Lord said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.
5 For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.
Genesis 1:12
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:29-31
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were
My view on Climate change etc. تغير المناخ؟

Free Humanity
Climate change is normal, cow farts are not a problem.
co2 is not a problem
solution is more trees.
تغير المناخ أمر طبيعي، وضرطة البقرة ليست مشكلة.
ثاني أكسيد الكربون ليس مشكلة
الحل هو المزيد من الأشجار.
Yes we can!
9 months ago
Make Earth Great Again
Peace on earth
Peace for all animals
peace for all of nature
Peace for all humanity
Free Humanity
Free Palestine
Free Europa!
omar samson
Make Earth Great Again, Peace on earth,
Peace for all animals, peace for all of nature,
Peace for all humanity,
Free Humanity,
Free Palestine,
Free Europa!
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Free Humanity
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