NBC’s Noriega: Biden’s EO Won’t ‘Have Any Kind of Immediate, Widespread, Dramatic Impact on the Border’

4 months ago

NORIEGA: “Based on the details of this executive order and how it actually function — functions that we’ve learned so far today, I actually have to say I’m quite skeptical that this is going to have any kind of immediate widespread, dramatic impact on the border, on the number of migrants who are crossing the border, and on the number of migrants who managed to stay in the United States as a result. And there’s a few complicated reasons for that. But the main one is that I and a lot of other people were expecting that this authority to quote/unquote ‘close down the border’ was going to be dependent on the United States being able to summarily expel migrants with no due process, no access to the asylum system, immediately back into Mexico shortly after they cross. That does not appear to be the case mainly because Mexico has not agreed to accept any more migrants than it already does. Mexico has pretty strict you know, specific requirements on the number of migrants that it accepts and on the nationality of migrants that it accepts, and the U.S. cannot simply return people to Mexico without Mexico’s active participation.”

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