Episode 256: Why do Believer's get sick?

8 months ago

Hello everyone. In today's Bible study we continue with our series on the New Birth, Born from Above. Today's study will show the transition from the newly created human spirit to the modification of the Believer's behavior in the body.
This transition is the natural progression of the Born Again experience. Salvation through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ, and a renewed godlike manner of thinking called the living way empowered by the Holy Spirit.
What the new birth and the living way does not do is take away the natural consequences of sin which produces death. First the curse on all creation due to Satan's and Adam's sins. Second the curse of futility which literally means decay or the progression of dying. Third the consequences of the corporate and individual sins which everyone sow and reap.
From these things, there is no escape.
Today's Bible study is 1 hour and 13 minutes in duration. I have broken it down into three segments. This is segment 1 of 3 titled "Why do Believer's get sick?"

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