20240531 Day 782 Part-1 - Lifefitness Stepmill, “Conjugate Conditioning”

9 months ago

20240531 Day 782 Part-1
Lifefitness Stepmill,
“The Pain Glove,”
3+ Miles/6750+ Steps Distance Goal,
Level-15 Setting/123 Steps Per Minute Pace,
60:00 Minutes/1-Hour Time Goal,
60:00 Total Time,
7363 Total Steps,
1247Kcal Total,
Distance/Time Goal: Attained
I had to take a break from the bike for at least the day for various reasons so I ground out a nice little “active recovery” session on the Stepmill. I say, “active recovery” as it’s still stimulative work, but minimally so compared to 30K under resistance on the bike. The fatigue cost is significantly greater from the bike versus the Stepmill because today I’m “catching up” to the device versus powering through molasses like on the bike.
After the Stepmill, I did my daily Toes to Bar and shut it down for the time being
Link to my video on “Getting Results” 👇🏾👇🏾
Link 🔗to my “This is What Zone-2 Looks Like!!” Video 👇🏾👇🏾

Link 🔗 to my “Training Order, Same Session Cardio & Weights” video ⬇️⬇️
Link 🔗 to my video on “Making Post-Training Shakes” 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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