This is When WWIII Will Be Declared

9 months ago

Recent statements from NATO officials evidence an intention to heavily escalate the conflict in Ukraine, particularly now because things look very dire for Ukraine on the battlefield. The manpower shortage in Ukraine is worse than the ammo shortage and thus, Ukraine has asked NATO countries to send troops to either help train 150,000 new Ukrainian troops or to relieve Ukrainian troops stationed on the border so they can participate on the frontline combat. However, some NATO officials have pondered sending troops nearer the frontline to speed up the training and deployment. This will, of course, put NATO troops at risk of being attacked by Russia. It seems that now NATO is also deliberating on permitting Ukraine to use western supplied weapons to strike deep into Russia. Several countries have already agreed and only the US, Italy and Germany still have to sign on. Ukraine has already seized on this permission to strike two Russian radar detection facilities deep in Russia in the City of Orsk. This has prompted President Putin to give a stark warning to NATO allies, particularly, the Baltic States who he described as being very small with dense populations. Dr Doctorow, an independent analyst regards this as the gravest threat issued by Putin since the war began and a change of tune from the once "nice guy" Putin who has practised enormous restraint, to not being nice anymore. Given these events, how close are we to world war 3?

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