No Age Ontology - The Timeless Sound of Reality

9 months ago

The Timeless Sound of Reality is the ‘Loudest Silence’ in which all events and meanings are infinitely present as potentialities. One can access this Timeless Sound through the recognition of the Timeless Mind of Pure Being where everything is and is not at the same time. The Timeless Sound of Reality is expressed in the Principle of Vibration and can be found in many different Wisdom and spiritual traditions. On a more relative and practical level sound is all penetrating and therefore has the capacity to affect mind and objects. In many Wisdom traditions sound is used as prayers or mantra repetitions sometimes with this aim.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►⁠⁠

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