Cancer Industry Senate Investigation Report Special Council Ben Fitzgerald 1953

3 months ago

In 1953 a US Senate investigation into corruption in the Cancer Industry began. The special council attorney assigned to the case was Ben Fitzgerald. His final report was scathing to say the least and that’s what this video is about…
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Here’s the transcript of the video:
In 1953, a US Senate investigation into the cancer industry revealed a racket of suppression of effective methods to battle cancer. US Justice Department attorney Ben Fitzgerald, was the special counsel who wrote the final report of this investigation, and here I'll quote a few passages.
"There's reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest. And of course, if the doctrine of "respondeat superior" is to be observed, the alleged machinations of Dr. J. J Moore for the past 10 years, the Treasurer of the AMA, could involve the AMA and others in an interstate conspiracy of alarming proportions." He was referring to the research of Krezbiozen, which is just one of many anti-cancer concoctions that was brutally attacked and beaten down by the decades long conspiracy by the AMA, FDA and NCI to destroy any competition to the big pharma domination of the cancer industry.
"If radium, x-ray or surgery or other of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither x-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the numbers of physicians, surgeons, and cancerologists who are not only divided, but who because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called American Medical Association? Or should this committee make a full scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress, and restrict the free flow of drugs, which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports, and X-ray photographic proof together with the alleged cured patients are available?"
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private are engaged and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander, and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants, and employees engaged in this practice? My investigations to date should convince this committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce, which allegedly has solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories, which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this?" I've got one question for you. If this was the Senate record of August 28th, 1953, do you think any of these problems have been fixed in the medical industry since then?
Check out my site and the still currently free members area at to learn about some of the research they've tried to destroy in the decades since 1953. Click the link in the description of this video or visit me at and see what it's all about. Thanks for watching this video.
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