Cancer Conspiracy Industry Corruption Report from Benedict Fitzgerald Jr 1953 Congressional Record

2 months ago

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In the early 1950's it was clear that the cancer industry was built on corruption and special counsel Benedict Fitzgerald Jr was assigned to investigate. His report was scathing to the industry which had already become the gatekeepers of "proven" methods which were anything but proven and suppression of effective natural cancer remedies. Visit my store at

Here's a snippet of the transcript of this video:

Dr. Fishbein contended that the medicines employed by the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic had no therapeutic value and that it was run by a quack and a charlatan. It is interesting to note that in the trial court before Judge Atwell who had an opportunity to hear the witnesses in two different trials, it was held that the so-called Hoxsey method of treating cancer was in some respect superior to that of X-ray, radium and surgery, and did have therapeutic value. The defense submitted that Hoxsey could cure external cancer, but contended that his medicines for internal cancer had no therapeutic value. The jury, after listening to leading pathologists, radiologists, physicians, surgeons, and scores of witnesses, a great number of whom who had never been treated by any physician or surgeon, except the treatment received by the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic, concluded that Dr. Fishbein was wrong, that the published statements were false and that the Hoxsey method of treating cancer did have therapeutic value. In this litigation, the government of the United States, as well as Dr. Fishbein brought to the court the leading medical scientists, including pathologists and others, skilled in the treatment of cancer. They came from all parts of the country. It is significant to note that a great number of those doctors admitted that X-ray therapy could cause cancer. Report of Dr. Miley of a survey made by Dr. Stanley Ryman in charge of tumor research and pathology, Gotham Hospital. Dr. Ryman's report on cancer cases in Pennsylvania over a long period of time showed that those who received no treatment lived a longer period than those that received surgery, radium or x-ray. The survey also showed that following the use of radium and X-ray, much more harm than good was done to the average cancer patient. There's a report from another source in which Dr. Feinblatt, for six years, pathologist of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, New York, reported that the Memorial Hospital had originally given x-ray and radium treatment before and after radical operations for breast malignancy. These patients had not long survived, so x-ray and radium were given after surgery only. These patients lived a brief time only after omitting all radiation patients lived the longest of all. Dr. Herman Joseph Mueller, Nobel Prize winner, a world renowned scientist, has stated the medical profession is permanently damaging the American lifestream through the unwise use of X-rays. There is no dosage of X-rays so low as to be without risk of producing harmful mutations. The attention of the committee is invited to the request made by Senator Elmer Thomas following an investigation made by the senator of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic under date of February 25th, 1947, and addressed to the Surgeon General Public Health Department, Washington DC wherein he sought to enlist the support of the federal government to make an investigation and report. No such investigation was made. is highly censored by big tech, meaning that on many devices, if you search for it, you won't find it. You need to actually have the direct link. In some cases, even just texting yourself, the link will make it easy to find, whereas if you just try to type it into the browser, it won't, won't be there, so share the link today and help get this out there and make sure you get access to the currently free members area on where I publish PDF reports about real solutions that they've been trying to hide for decades since this Congressional and Senate report from Benedict Fitzgerald was put on record and all the PDFs are there all in one place for easy access, and I'm adding more on a regular basis as well. I also plan to add a new section where I share source reports for all these recent videos, and please keep this video production going by supporting my store at where you'll find the coolest array of nutritional supplements and energy tools. Contact me directly using the text chat link on the store to discuss any questions you may have. Replies are typically less than one day and often within a few hours, and apologies to you if you are overseas. The text support is currently not set up for that, so please use the email option instead and we can still chat on there. So thank you so much for watching this video. Also, keep an eye out for announcements of new short snippet videos to to help encourage your friends to dig deeper.
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