MZTV 1482: I Can't Wait to Not Die

9 months ago

Our fellow believer Clyde Pilkington teaches contrary to our apostle Paul by saying that every member of the body of Christ must die. Paul says that we shall NOT all be put to repose (1 Corinthians 15:51). One of the verses Mr. Pilkington uses to "prove" his point is Hebrews 9:27. The only problem is that he isolates the verse from its context and then quotes it from a bad translation, namely, the KJV.

When you see what Hebrews 9:27 is REALLY saying, then the desperation of those who love the eon and don't want to leave their families at the snatching away will become transparent. These individuals are twisting and misquoting any Scripture they can in order to 1) put off the return of Christ so that they can enjoy their families, and 2) eliminate from Paul's revelation the snatching away of the body of Christ.

Why in the world would body of Christ members not want to be snatched away by Christ, a thing which Paul describes in great and simple detail in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17? 1) most of their families will not go, 2) they don't trust Christ with their families, 3) it scares them to think of being lifted off the earth, 4) they want to die natural deaths because that which is known to them soothes their souls—as opposed to being almost violently snatched away from the earth, an unfamiliar experience which unnerves them more than natural death.

MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Cafe: God is at Peace with Everyone, Even Christians (July 1, Hour 1):


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