Iran Is Losing Syria to Germany

4 months ago

Iran rules the Middle East today. But something dramatic is happening in the region: the war-torn nation of Syria is slipping out of the grasp of Iran and Russia. Learn how Syria is moving closer to Germany—and how this shift is leading to world war.


Germany is bothered by Iran. Even now, Germany is working to surround and destroy Iran. A major, Earth-shaking clash is coming. But before Germany confronts Iran, it needs a strong leader.

Request our free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to understand why Germany is desperate for new leadership. Your Bible describes a German strongman who will seize control of the nation in this end time. He will take office through flatteries and deceit—and he will revolutionize all of Europe. The German war machine is about to rumble back to life. You are witnessing the resurrection of the mightiest war-making empire in world history! All mankind ought to tremble with terror as Germany and rival Gentile powers like Russia prepare for a clash of titans!

Also request our free reprint articles “The Hidden Danger in Germany’s ‘Alliance Against Iran’” and “Another, More Mysterious Alliance.” Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world. This radical theocracy dominates the Middle East and is ready to wreak havoc all over the planet.

But don’t expect other world powers to sit idly by as Iran and its terrorist allies paint the world blood red. As Psalm 83 foretold, Germany is organizing an alliance of moderate Arab nations to counter Iran. On the surface, this alliance seems like a force for good.

However, Psalm 83 reveals the ultimate goal of this German-led alliance: the destruction of the end-time nations of Israel, including America and Britain! Prove for yourself the malicious motive of the Psalm 83 alliance, and which Arab nations will join.

You may also request a free subscription to our newsmagazine, The Philadelphia Trumpet. Ten times a year, you will receive God’s perspective on world events, politics, social issues, Christian living, health, finances, trends, and much more. Your Bible has a lot to say about the important subjects of today, and the Trumpet will help you understand what this coded book really means.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request A Strong German Leader Is Imminent, “The Hidden Danger in Germany’s ‘Alliance Against Iran’” and “Another, More Mysterious Alliance.” Subscribe to the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine. Order now!

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