2 months ago

The Apostle John was the only New Testament writer to call God by the name “I AM.” The great “I AM” is a fiery warning to you. Learn about this powerful God of real authority—and how He experienced true freedom and joy.

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“I AM” is an Old Testament name for the God who later became Jesus Christ. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet John’s Gospel—The Love of God to understand the authoritative God known as “I AM.”

“I AM” means, I will be what I want to be, when I want to be it, how I want to be it. That sounds like a God who yields to no one! Yet this same God, your Savior Jesus Christ, submits perfectly to God the Father. Christ experiences true freedom by obeying His Father. So can you.

Study John’s Gospel—The Love of God to discover the deep humility of the “I AM.” Learn how to follow Christ’s perfect example and receive a God-level reward just like Christ did. Unlock your awesome potential by obeying God the Father. Live the abundant life that God intends for all mankind to enjoy very soon.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The God Family Vision to grasp the stunning reason why a mighty God would willingly give up His power and die for mankind. Glimpse the eternal pre-history of two Gods—long before they became Father and Son. Open your eyes to the radiant hope of the true gospel message—the good news of the soon-coming Family of God to rule the entire universe! Prove that the God Family will be comprised of human beings transformed into spirit-born sons of God.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Last Hour. The truth about the God Family is so wonderful, it is almost impossible to comprehend! What depth of love has been shown by God the Father and Christ the Son to invite human beings into their family! This is truly the ultimate love.

Study The Last Hour to discover the precious spiritual gold that your future holds. Prove what you must do with this staggering God Family vision. Receive the motivation and power to fight the forces of evil that oppose you each day.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request John’s Gospel—The Love of God, The God Family Vision, and The Last Hour. Order now!

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