Potatoes that drove me crazy! Incredibly delicious potato recipe!

9 months ago

Ingredients for recipe 1:
1 kilogram potatoes/35.27 oz.
vegetable oil.
salt, black pepper, paprika.
1 onion.
2 cloves of garlic.
1 red bell pepper.
500 grams ground beef/17.63 oz.
20 milliliters soy sauce/0.67 fl oz.
200 grams mozzarella cheese/7.05 oz.

Ingredients for bechamel sauce:
60 grams butter/2.11 oz.
50 grams wheat flour/1.76 oz.
500 milliliters milk/16.9 fl oz.
salt, black pepper.

In addition to dinner, I recommend preparing a light vegetable salad. A simple salad recipe will be an excellent addition to potato casserole and will give your dinner a special, unique taste.

Salad ingredients:
200 grams kale/7.05 oz.
1 cucumber.
half a red bell pepper.
green onions.
parsley, dill.
100 grams canned peas/3.52 oz.
a pinch of salt and sugar.
olive oil.

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